
Chumash Rock Art and Other Trips with Stephen Bryne - Ep 82

For this 82nd episode we interview Stephen Bryne, professional archaeologist and a student of rock art. Stephen talks about his adventures studying Chumash rock art as well as his recent studies with his extensive field trips to some of the largest prehistoric paintings in the world: the rock art of the Sierra de San Francisco in Baja California Mexico.

Interested in learning about how to use X-Rays and similar technology in archaeology? Check out the linked PaleoImaging course from James Elliot!

Connect with James on Twitter: @paleoimaging

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The Rock Art of Los Angeles County with Albert Knight - Ep 48

Albert Knight traces his associations with rock art studies throughout his lengthy career and focuses on the nature of discovery and the most remarkable sites he has had the joy of working on. Burro Flats in the Simi Valley of southern California in Los Angeles County is akin to the Chumash rock art painted pictograph traditions. The site exhibits polychrome paintings within a rock shelter that some believe are documentation of the oral traditions and ritual activities associated with the movements and timing of the sun. There is a sun dagger that appears at the solstice and pierces a concentric circle element. The elements have been interpreted as representing the various deities and their interactions as represented in the Native sacred narrative.





Bill Hyder on the Chumash of Southern California - Ep 4

Bill Hyder is a pioneer in the study of rock art. He's the former president of the American Rock Art Research Association and a board member of the California Rock Art Foundation. He joins Dr. Garfinkel to talk about the Chumash and their lifeways, religion, origin stories, rock art, and more.




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