
Is There a Doctor in the House (Part 2) - The Zooarchaeology Special - Ep 49

On Monday the 27th of November, 2023 we invited four Zooarchaeologists from the University of Sheffield’s Department of Archaeology to talk about the work they are doing towards their PHD and Post PHD studies.

Even though this was a relaxed pre-Christmas event, they were given just 15 minutes each and the time was strictly enforced!

The event was held in the upstairs room at The Red Deer Pitt Street Sheffield which is the spiritual home of Sheffield Archaeology.

Our speakers were:

Dr Maeve Moorcroft - What is in the Box? : Rediscovering a unique pathological bone collection.

Ewan Chipping - Cowology: Anatomy, Morphology and More.

Tracy Platts - What else did the Romans do for us?

Marina Chorro-Giner - I Like Turtles: Archaeology, Turtles and why they are Awesome!



Woodland Heritage Festival - Issue 3 - Zooarchaeology

Welcome to a special edition of the Archaeology and Ale Podcast;

For the next few podcasts we’ll be taking you through the Woodland Heritage Festival.

The Woodland Heritage Festival was a two-day free public event at the J. G. Graves Woodland Discovery Centre in Sheffield, which had talks and hands-on displays on all kinds of archaeological topics.

The talks aimed to explain our archaeological interests in a family-friendly and accessible way, so all of the visitors to the Woodland Heritage Festival could come away with some new information about the past and how we study it. If you have any young archaeologists in your family this talk might be of interest to them as well.

Last week we looked at Virtual Heritage this week, it’s all about Zooarchaeology.

Apologies for the background noise – we were recording in the function room next to the cafeteria at the J. G. Graves Woodland Discovery Centre and it was a very busy day!

Stay tuned for another special edition introducing some more activities at the Woodland Heritage Festival. Next time we’ll be presenting a talk on making White Coal using Q-Pits, and some hands-on experimental archaeology.

If you’d like to know more about the Archaeology in the City Programme or the regular monthly Archaeology and Ale talks, visit our website; you can follow the link from the Archaeology Podcast Network page, or come and find us on facebook under Archaeology in the City.

Thanks again to the Archaeology Podcast Network for having us.