00:00.00 archpodnet On delay. 00:02.10 Jesus of Nayarit Welcome back to your life and ruins podcast episode one twenty seven huge aid in it I just went australian for whatever reason. Um I would try and just name out english accents and I'll try. Um, but anyway we're back and the queen obviously has has died. Um. Passed on if you will and now the power has gone to charles the third um and we are here talking about the cultural impact of that with our token british fellow chap as it were Stefan Milo um sweet. Ah. 00:30.96 Duke Of Worcester Call below me. 00:37.75 Jesus of Nayarit It's interesting because like I mean you're you're an immigrant from there but like my family came here as immigrants from I think York like long as time ago like sixteen hundreds and they've come over like since then and stuff but like I have no attachment to it whatsoever. 00:38.00 archpodnet Um. 00:55.25 Jesus of Nayarit But it is interesting because it's like when I was watching the changing of the guard and like the funeral which was like pretty sweet like you know, just in terms of choreography. Um and like the drumming and stuff I was like damn it's like this is the british empire like happening in front of it like and this is like interesting history happening I guess that like. We as americans are attached to in a way I was also very bored sitting in the hotel room like thinking all this and I was like huh. So I'm might be far off but I imagine that's why it's all over the news because it's like we do have that attachment to England um, in like a very unique way. 01:33.18 Duke Of Worcester Is ah, is it all over the news here I don't even know I I haven't even watched it myself which is great preparation for this episode but ah, it's been ah all over the news here. You would say you would say all over the news. Do you think. 01:38.84 Jesus of Nayarit Oh dude like yeah I would say I've heard nothing about inflation and I've heard everything there is to know about Kate and the fact that um. 01:55.35 Jesus of Nayarit What's his name Henry and and William won't talk to each other. But now they're there and like Harry Henry see I don't even know. 01:56.73 Duke Of Worcester Harry. 01:58.94 archpodnet Hair I I I did see like Meghan Markle dressed up like Princess Diana at 1 funeral and I was like Meghan fucking stop like the show doesn't always have to be around you like she did did the exact same thing. It's like what the fuck it's like have some. 02:15.46 Duke Of Worcester I like him. 02:18.69 archpodnet I mean like I had thought that I don't like them but I'm like fucking time and place like that was just such a fuck you moment to to King Charles it's like dude it just has to make it about her. Oh absolutely. 02:27.90 Jesus of Nayarit Oh. 02:29.94 Duke Of Worcester The british media are horrible to Meghan Markle honestly like it's absolutely atrocious. 02:37.40 archpodnet I I. 02:40.55 Jesus of Nayarit And I think that's part of what we wanted to get into today is like the the impact that she's had or the you know the the the monarchies had on the world and whatnot. But um. 02:51.85 archpodnet I Do want to mention though like as something that they talk about in the news because like the whole thing about um, questioning the the necessity of the British Monarchy Um, and so I've seen like news Commenters I talk about how like. 03:06.84 archpodnet Well people love to be ruled and that monarchies have been like the staple over the course of human history and that's just fundamentally, not true, right? Like we've had ah anatomically modern humans for what 200000 years 03:22.58 Jesus of Nayarit Ah. 03:22.99 archpodnet And we don't really have like the first monarchies until like six thousand years ago like ur uruk like Mesopotamia in Egypt like like this form of social hierarchy and a ruling class in terms of like the breadth of human history is very minute. 03:29.65 Duke Of Worcester Yeah I mean. 03:29.71 Jesus of Nayarit Of. 03:43.40 archpodnet Granted like at the scale of organizing massive populations sure but to say that humans love to be ruled. It's like I don't know we were totally fine being. 03:54.10 Jesus of Nayarit Um, I mean arty could have been King of isal. 03:55.40 Duke Of Worcester I Don't know about it I don't like calling I don't know I don't know about that I mean they? yeah um I Certainly hate the automaticness of it. You know everyone. 04:07.71 archpodnet Yeah. 04:10.95 Duke Of Worcester Everyone immediately started calling prince Charles King Charles he hasn't even been coronated yet and I can't help but feel this is just to legitimize his power to start referring to him his king but no one asked me. 04:15.11 Jesus of Nayarit And. 04:21.98 archpodnet Oh. 04:28.36 Duke Of Worcester You know? and and ah I I don't like it I don't like it at all I don't like it at all and even if Monarchies have been very common since you know the Bronze age what other aspect of Bronze age life am I looking to now to provide guidance in my life. You know I mean none. 04:46.11 Jesus of Nayarit My baby shoes are bronzed. 04:47.87 archpodnet Ah, that's a really good point. 04:48.40 Duke Of Worcester I don't yeah like I don't frankly you know care what sagaon of a Cad did you know I want my kids to go to a good school and Britain needs major constitutional reform and this sort of stuff. 04:59.92 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah I guess as an objective party like it just seems to me like when I went to England and like I went to London specifically like there's all the if you go to New York there's a statue of liberty like gifts and like the empire state building gifts and stuff you can get. Um, and all like the tourist shops and over there was all Union Jack stuff royal family stuff like plates with them on it and stuff and um cutlery I would use the english word. Ah but to me, it's like the monarchy is just a quintessentially quintessentially. 05:37.27 Jesus of Nayarit British thing like it's just something you guys have and it's like oh yeah, we have a queen and the people at the camp kind of told me that too but like is it more of like an older conservative generational thing where they're like yeah, it's fine and like younger people are like whatever or is it kind of like would your parents be like. Whatever you don't have to give me their political opinions. But. 05:59.74 Duke Of Worcester I think most ah people are either agnostic to it or in favor of it in Britain I think if you took a vote tomorrow should Britain become a republic it would fail. 06:15.87 Duke Of Worcester Um, but I think it would succeed in Scotland I think Scotland would become a republic tomorrow ah England and Wales and Northern Ireland is hard to say england would for sure vote and no I think there is a generational element to it. I think young people will care less. Um I think I think the queen had been queen for so long. It was impossible to. Imagine Britain without her in a way. Um, you know, but this next generation Prince Charles he's not gonna be king long. It's and then William Williams basically my age. I certainly don't feel like bowing down to him and then his freaking kids I mean am I gonna bow to them and my kid's gonna bow to them I certainly hope not um so I think the more we go down in time maybe respect for the monarchy will decline. 07:11.79 Jesus of Nayarit So. 07:29.57 Duke Of Worcester But these things have a way of clinging on. They really do. Um, there's a lot of a lot you would have to change to get rid of the monarchy because it's so tied up in the constitution or lack thereof of Britain like if you were to get rid of the monarchy. 07:41.25 Jesus of Nayarit Hi. 07:47.70 Duke Of Worcester Even if in the most like peaceful scenario. It's a political revolution. We have to totally reorganize the country and and I feel like that is why they they cling on honestly because it's they just maintain the status quo and everyone's just ah, takingcking along under it. But. 08:07.77 Duke Of Worcester We're pasting over the cracks of the British constitution like the country is ah is in a terrible state right now I would say and a part of that is because we need major reform politically. 08:17.44 archpodnet In terms of like monarchies across the globe compared to like Thailand where it's like illegal to talk shit about the king or queen and they don't even have a parliament I don't think Spain also has a king and they're like. 08:17.62 Jesus of Nayarit Right? so. 08:34.32 archpodnet Much more greatly reduced. But I know like when it comes to the british market monarchy in particular like 1 of the big pros for getting them out is like just how expensive it is to maintain and support the british royal family. 08:50.86 Duke Of Worcester Yeah, that's a controversial point some people in Britain would say they bring in loads of money. Um my opinion is that's absolute nonsense. You know the french cut King Louis head off and lots of people still visit versailles. 08:55.62 archpodnet Okay. 09:07.38 Duke Of Worcester People are still going to visit London maybe more people will visit if they could actually go inside Buckingham Palace who knows um, ah but in terms of how the monarchy is funded. They have these estates as they're called where all the revenue goes into the british government. 09:12.66 Jesus of Nayarit Oh damn that. 09:14.73 archpodnet Ah. 09:27.31 Duke Of Worcester And then they're given a percentage back or a set amount back? Um I think it's something like 300000000 they get back a year or something. Um. 09:41.50 Jesus of Nayarit And the Royal family gets that money where you're saying that they give that back. 09:47.00 Duke Of Worcester Yeah, so all the states these estates that are held under the british crown that they're quote unquote property. All the income goes to the government and then the royal family gets something like £300000000 back a year um to you know, sort their affairs out and exactly yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, I went yeah, we can't talk about well he's done without tanking this episode. But yeah, basically yeah, private flights to Epstein's island um 10:04.40 Jesus of Nayarit So fly to Epstein's Island if you're Andrew yeah. 10:18.49 Jesus of Nayarit I did I did notice on Cnn they were like if you see now. Ah Prince Charles was it Harry and William are wearing their military garb. Ah Charles is wearing his garb and if you see Andrew is not. And and they just went like the next thing it kept talking I thought he was just wearing oh oh he was stripped of something though. He didn't have something on or I guess they're just saying his titles heyo. 10:34.80 Duke Of Worcester Andrew was Andrew was it was Harry that wasn't. 10:38.90 archpodnet Harry wasn't yeah. 10:46.96 Duke Of Worcester He's been doing too much stripping. but but yeah so they get that money back and people that love the royal family would say oh see they give away like three quarters of their wealth to the government I would say. They only have that wealth because if any 1 of our ancestors disagreed with them. They would be brutally tortured and executed and we don't even have to give them the 300000000 you know we could that 300000000 we give back to them. We could just also keep um so. 11:13.61 Jesus of Nayarit Ah. 11:18.75 Jesus of Nayarit So I guess then we're getting into the meat of it because I remember sitting what was it the the jubilee or whatever and then she was talking to Paddington Bear I was at my parents' house and I was like why the fuck is this like why is this on our news and my mom was like because it's cute. 11:20.46 Duke Of Worcester I don't see ah I disagree with that. But. 11:38.24 Jesus of Nayarit And I'm like yeah, it's like objectively cute but like why doesn't she give the money to make that animated paddington bear like you know to ghettos in Jamaica and they were like well it's just tradition and I'm like yeah I know but did you not see that she. 11:47.23 archpodnet What are you talking about? No what are you Paddington Bear what. 11:55.93 Duke Of Worcester I saw yeah there was some little skit where she was with Paddington Bear she was also in the previous James Bond I think just for a moment and she ordered the political assassination of someone like what. 11:56.14 Jesus of Nayarit Definite probably does he back me up here. 12:07.60 Jesus of Nayarit So. 12:08.26 archpodnet Who probably the only time able to do that. 12:14.50 Jesus of Nayarit Ah, um, and anyway like I understand this tradition and everyone like they were putting the microphone on people's face outside Buckingham the palace and there was a lady with Ajab there was ah a black woman from Jamaica. 12:17.32 Duke Of Worcester Well as far as we're aware who knows ah. 12:29.81 Jesus of Nayarit Saying like you know she was our grandma like we loved her. She was a sweet old lady and like that was her persona publicly sure that's what we see but like at the same time Tohel Carlton you would agree with this like and spent Stefan maybe too like just abolish it and give all that money to like you know. The colonies that are just raped by them like I don't know like the correct word colonized by them and have like integeredrational you know poverty because of it I don't know. Yeah, you guys take it from here. But. 13:01.39 archpodnet I think it'd be interesting I mean but Stefan kind of as has he alluded to some of these countries are so their constitutions are just are just so interwoven with the monarchy. And you try to get rid of the monarchy. That's good. That's gonna reverb pretty big. You know we have 37 countries across the web. No granted like 25 of those are small states but all of a sudden you take their executive power out of out of the loop and there's. Ah, power backum. It'd be you know political revolution is is tricky to say the least you can go. It can get pretty bad pretty quick. 13:41.31 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah. 13:48.60 Duke Of Worcester I think in a lot of places the end of the monarchy would be peaceful in the majority of places but it's opening a can of worms that maybe the current executive governments. They just don't want to open. They're already in power the constitution if it's a british colony is already probably suitably vague that they have vast sweeping powers over every aspect of life and you know and they realistically other than Britain. They're all colonies. And so let's say you're in New Zealand and you get rid of the monarchy now all of a sudden you're rewriting the country's constitution. How do you define the rights of the maori population versus the rights. 14:38.40 Jesus of Nayarit Who. 14:46.97 Duke Of Worcester The european population or the european descendants the same in Canada the same in Australia you know everyone is suddenly has this ability to demand more. Not necessarily wrongly, but certainly. 14:55.48 Jesus of Nayarit Oh. 15:06.66 Duke Of Worcester Yeah, it's like a wiping of the slate now now suddenly everything's back on the table. Do you know what? I mean like ah. 15:09.98 archpodnet Yeah, but like kind of going with the UN declaration for indigenous rights like all the countries that didn't sign it were english and some ways like the Us s Canada New Zealand Australia were like no fuck indigenous people. We're not signing the shit. 15:26.71 Duke Of Worcester Exactly exactly you know that's ah New Zealand seems to have the most harmonious relationship between an indigenous population and the european population from an outside perspective. It seems. 15:42.98 Duke Of Worcester But even then I know it's not very harmonious and you talk about Australia there's massive racism as far as I'm aware against aboriginals like if you look at the prison population in some australian regions. It's aboriginal people. Ah basically yeah, so. 15:45.13 Jesus of Nayarit Right. 15:52.28 Jesus of Nayarit Right? Candidates you. 15:55.59 archpodnet S. 16:02.86 Duke Of Worcester Yeah I I think we should have that moment of political reform. But it's hot about ah will various governments do that I don't know I don't know. 16:13.32 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, um I that's really an interesting point I didn't think about that and I saw so many memes and like Instagram stories and stuff of people being like good rot like that gued when she like does like damn ah but it was like. Saying like she had direct involvement with you know, um the the boarding schools in Canada or like ah the stuff that was going on in not Ethiopia um, Kenya right? and. 16:41.54 Duke Of Worcester Kenya. 16:43.53 archpodnet Kenya. 16:44.72 Jesus of Nayarit Like how much does the little old Queen actually have in like say in the stuff that goes on disseminating down to those people. They're probably abusing laws and systems and stuff you know so like. It's just like the the complete bashing of this woman like while she was still warm was like intense to be I didn't expect that but I also understand like indigenous friends that I'm looking at I'm like um when they post stuff like that I'm like okay I mean I I can't really empathize but I get it. 17:13.80 Duke Of Worcester I was to speak about Kenya I actually had no idea until the queen died that Britain brutally suppressed kenyan independence to the point where we're killing thousands of people torturing them to death in concentration camps. 17:24.44 Jesus of Nayarit Me neither. 17:33.19 Duke Of Worcester After world war ii some of I'm sure some of the british soldiers who were doing that had liberated concentration camps in Europe and seen the horror there and then were suppressing violently kenyan independence um as well now not to say that it was exactly like the holocaust. 17:40.20 Jesus of Nayarit Right. 17:52.71 Duke Of Worcester Obviously the scale is different. But if that's your family. What do you care about the scale of the destruction if your family's being tortured and killed. You shouldn't care. Why should you care and the queen in a day-to-day does not have any role over that obviously but she's a massive. 18:00.37 Jesus of Nayarit Right? It's not a good look either way. Yeah. 18:11.81 Duke Of Worcester Beneficiary of that system. Um and is the figure head of that system and I you know if I was a Kenyan I'm sure I'd feel the same way and be like fuck this old. 18:13.50 Jesus of Nayarit Er. 18:31.53 Duke Of Worcester Bidy like these guys literally like tortured my granddad to death am I going to give a fuck about her. Yeah to call the spade of spade if I was Kenyan Why Why would I care about that. But it's so crazy to me that we did that. And I had no knowledge of that whatsoever and I'm really into history and took every history class at every level of British education and no one once even mentioned in even in passing mentioned that we had brutally suppressed this Independence movement I Found that deeply shocking. I did I That's hard to it's like that moment where it's like oh Wait. We're the baddies like you know I. 19:12.22 Jesus of Nayarit Um. 19:16.97 Jesus of Nayarit Ah, ah, and on that note, let's ah pick it up with the next segment. 19:16.98 archpodnet Ah, that's.