00:00.00 archyfantasies Like I'm not risking it. 00:00.00 Anna Ah, okay. 00:01.20 archpodnet Sorry Chris thated that out. Um all right? So we're back and we were having a really interesting conversation during the break as always happens. You have the best conversations during the break. Ah and we were talking about recruiting guests for podcasts and. That there does seem to be a tendency for a lot of these guests to be an act or have ph d and let's let's go back into that conversation of why we think that is. 00:31.60 Tommy Ng I Guess I guess since I was rambling on about it right? So I might I must say like when I was when I was making ah I guess you could say when I was networking looking for various ah Asian Hyphenate I Hate Asian Hyphenate asian. 00:34.45 Anna No. 00:34.91 archyfantasies Yeah, tommy. 00:47.16 Anna Yeah, wow. 00:47.68 archyfantasies You're the one that told me to use that. 00:48.50 Daryl Ah. 00:49.17 Tommy Ng I Know I know I know I in place us some in face of something else right? So Asian hyphenate a Asian hyphenate archeologist I Found the majority I and and I'm just all, There's no this is thiss all anecdotal. The majority tend to be in Academia and and I've talked to after talking to. 00:54.26 archyfantasies Lester. 01:08.17 Tommy Ng Ah, few them. It's they chose academia either because it's it's it's expected at it's That's how to view archeology. It's prestigious right? Not a lot as far as I know now a lot goes into Crm I think it's it's won once again, there's no, um, it's not economic viable. 01:15.18 Anna Ah. 01:15.37 archyfantasies In. 01:24.66 Anna Ah. 01:27.90 Tommy Ng To to go in the crm. So the majority the majority Asian Iphphon Archeologists will be in academia. 01:29.34 archyfantasies It's and I think another thing is it's not just that It's obviously where you don't make money. Um, no I'm serious. Ah I think Crm gets shit on a lot by non crn people and so like if you're. 01:37.49 Anna Yes, yeah. 01:41.43 Tommy Ng So yeah. 01:42.88 Anna Yes, yeah. 01:46.91 archyfantasies Because I remember being in school and being gently steered away from crm because it was looked down on was like oh well Crm's where you go when you can't hack it in in academia and it's like I I know I know. 02:00.15 Anna Universities are still doing that they're still saying that. Yeah. 02:06.86 archyfantasies Ah, fucking hate it because you know it statistically no seriously statistically. It's like it's like 70 to 78% of the people in school right now for anthropology and archeology are going to be in crm it's just what's going to happen because. 02:17.40 Anna Right tip. 02:18.52 Tommy Ng Yeah. 02:21.70 archyfantasies What 30% of you are actually going to make it to your master's degree and even fewer of you are going to make it to your doctorate degree and that does not guarantee work. 02:29.50 Tommy Ng No, you're right? Yeah, you're right? And 1 thing 1 thing that searing gets poo come because we write a law technical. We write law technical papers. It's great. It's gray literature. That's basically it's great literature and so this is literature no academics I think most don't even touch. 02:30.90 Anna Right. 02:39.20 archyfantasies Great Exactly yep. 02:40.93 Anna Yes, yeah. 02:46.95 archyfantasies E. 02:48.67 Tommy Ng Because I remember there was a paper while has been publisher. It was ah it was a paper by 2 academics they they're talking about various stone features they found in Saskatchewan and they were saying how unique it was right without realizing a lot of us see our emmers. We don't think it's unique. We find them everywhere and in. 02:55.60 Anna Is. 02:57.69 archyfantasies M. 03:03.34 Anna Right? yeah. 03:04.20 archyfantasies Exactly they they ignore the work that we do until it's something that benefits their research and then suddenly it's oh we discovered XYZ now bitch. You didn't do shit. 03:07.33 Tommy Ng Yeah, and it. Yeah yeah. 03:12.83 Anna Exactly? Yeah, yeah, it's the same like when I was in grad school and they're talking about having certain students work on certain sites. Students are just like what work has been done on the site before and then they'll say things like oh well. 03:22.70 archyfantasies E. 03:28.99 Anna Couple cerm companies looked into um the site and did like little tiny snippets of articles back in the day. So basically these sites are completely untouched. No, they're not. They're not untouched. This is not yeah, exactly it's it's. 03:29.49 archyfantasies Who. 03:38.85 archyfantasies No, they've been surveyed. They've been surveyed. They've been sampled. There's a there's a catalog. There's ah, an an assemblage somewhere from these Surveys anyway. 03:46.60 Tommy Ng Yeah. 03:52.90 Anna Yeah. 03:52.23 Tommy Ng And if in the whole irony is like Crm research is those is based on academic research too on top of that and so so so we feed off ah off each other yeah watching it's just love. Lover literature is least is not publish. No, it's a yeah. 03:57.22 archyfantasies Um, yeah, yeah, exactly exactly. 03:57.56 Anna Right? We're all trained the same way. Yeah. 04:09.75 archyfantasies It's not published. Academically. 04:11.55 Tommy Ng Yeah, it's not published copy I mean I think they're available at least my jurisdiction are made available but they're hard to get to. So. 04:15.84 Anna Um. 04:16.20 archyfantasies Yeah, well that that is true like I worked for the state of Indiana for a long time and any crm that was done in the state of Indiana a report had to be on file with the state archeologist. But. You can't get access to those unless you have the right credentials which protects the sites like I get why that happens but Daryl couldn't go ask for a report hell I don't even think Brian could go ask for it. 04:33.16 Anna Right. 04:33.27 Tommy Ng Yeah, yeah, yeah, no yeah, they they're gonna ask you like what's your credentials where you can use it for and stuff like that. So yeah, that. 04:44.70 archyfantasies Yeah, what company do you work for you know and then they're going to charge you money for it. It is it is people can't see the chat but Darrell says is discrimination it it is but it it. It does serve a purpose. 04:44.76 Anna And. 04:48.20 archpodnet So so. 04:51.95 Tommy Ng Here. 04:56.83 Anna Ah. 05:00.94 Tommy Ng No, and no, that's that's the thing you just? yeah, ah so you're going just go and. 05:01.36 archpodnet So yeah. 05:04.26 archyfantasies And terrible. 05:10.73 archpodnet So okay, yeah I was gonna say let's go back to the the pay the Ph D topic. Um, so okay, so that was that was one thought about the prestigiousness are there any thoughts. 05:17.33 Tommy Ng Pat. Yeah, yeah. 05:29.79 archpodnet Other thoughts on why that might be. 05:34.51 Tommy Ng Because in C I Am we don't or not as a industry we suck money wise right? yeah. 05:39.89 archyfantasies No, she means means being taken seriously which is kind of what we were talking about with the reports like yeah people Pursue I Know a lot of women pursue a higher degree like ah, a master's in a Ph D because it. 05:48.62 Anna Yes. 05:59.49 archyfantasies Allows them to be taken more seriously in the field of archeology in general because like as as a woman in the field I can speak to this. You know when you are a young or younger looking woman in the field people don't take you seriously because you're a young woman and poof. 06:12.51 Anna Oh yeah. 06:17.79 archyfantasies Could you possibly know? Well I got 15 years of experience. So I know a lot. Um, and then when you start to get older if you somehow manage to not crap out of the field because you've broken everything that works. Um, you get labeled as being the crazy woman. 06:19.77 Anna And. 06:33.75 archyfantasies You know? oh she's crazy. She talks to trees. Oh she does this. You know she's she knows there's stuff about rocks. But you know she's kind of nuts when when we get back to the the thing So it's like it's a double edged sword. You're not going to be taken Seriously, if you're the the field director though. 06:35.50 Anna Says it. 06:49.31 archyfantasies Or if you're the Pi and you've got that m a or that Ph D after your name you get a little bit more respect because you've put in the time you know. 06:56.47 Tommy Ng What then here's now question like what was it like for Asian hyphenate woman den in archeology. Yeah, ah, that's a long moon. 07:01.96 archyfantasies Oh my god yeah Anna what's it like. 07:03.76 Anna Oh. 07:04.76 archpodnet Represent all Asian hyphenated women right now. 07:12.10 archyfantasies Especially when they're like all of what four eleven and like £90 soaking wet tell me what that's like. 07:13.76 Tommy Ng Ah, the yeah. 07:19.67 Anna Thank you for um, saying that I'm much taller than I am um I get treated like a kid a lot I get baby talk a lot I I get people. 07:23.19 Tommy Ng Ah. 07:35.14 Anna Trying to construction crews trying to take advantage of me and and trying to basically try well I mean like trying to fool me into confuse me fool me into doing things and it's just it's ah it's yeah I yeah, there's not much it's hard that. Hard to speak on it. But it just it hasn't been great and then I see I see other women taller women women even younger than me being treated a lot better. Um, and that's that's what's really difficult and I've had I've had some women tell me oh Anna the trick a tip I can tell you is. Maybe like wear some makeup and try to look older than you are or like you know and it's like that's not what I should. That's not something I should consider in in this in this field in my profession and my career. That's not something that I I should be told to do. 08:14.10 Tommy Ng Ah, rather these yeah. 08:14.45 archyfantasies No, no, no okay, but. 08:18.49 Daryl O. 08:28.80 archyfantasies But here's another thing that I want Anna to talk about because we're picking on her right now. No, we've we've talked about this before about how to flip that perception of yourself and one of the things that you brought up was oh I'm I'm gonna be. 08:29.00 Tommy Ng But yeah. 08:32.78 Anna Ah, ah shoot. 08:46.44 archyfantasies The angry crazy Asian lady and I was just like well it's funny but I'm not sure if that's where you want to go with it but but that was your defense mechanism. That's where you went with that and it was very specific like I I can't be the crazy crazy Asian lady. So like. That that was your thing. Why did you go there. Why was that even a thought in your head. 09:07.60 Anna That that came that stemmed from something that somebody kind of taught me um when I was living in Japan you know as foreigners in Japan. Especially if you've got you know blond hair blue eyes and you you really stand up stand out in Japan City like Tokyo where I was living. Um. You're not you know sometimes we don't we don't as foreigners. We're not getting the same kind of respect that somebody you know, born and raised in Japan might a native japanese not a native japanese person but you know some a japanese person born and raised in Japan might right? and so my friend. 09:40.34 archyfantasies Me. 09:44.70 Anna From austria I don't know if she'll be listening to this but hi Laura um, she yeah, she told me that whenever she was disrespected on the train or if somebody was like getting in the way of her like sitting down and being ah being a butt to her for whatever reason or you know there's you know. 09:46.48 archyfantasies Um, like friend from Austria. 10:03.82 Anna Perverts like train perverts and stuff like that. Um, that ah Tokyo is especially known for. Um, she said that she would just start yelling and screaming in german and that she actually started doing that whenever we weren't with her and that it would freak people out because they don't expect that. That's not something that they expect. And so I think when I made that hopefully it was a joke I don't remember having that conversation. But you know this year's been such a blur pandemic um to age this podcast episode. Thank you. 10:29.30 archyfantasies Oh I I will I will find it and show it to you. It is It is typed out somewhere. 10:32.74 Tommy Ng Ah. 10:36.91 Anna Yeah I think I think when I I think when I said that to you I was kind of I was thinking back on that being told that by my friend and just you know it's something different. It's something that they're not going to expect and it's it's it's something within my wheelhouse to do. 10:50.25 Tommy Ng But they did but did did it to you any different because you you're but you're Asian I mean did you you always hear stories but you know you got you got white guys. You have yellow fever right? And you and you got white guys who intentionally marry Asian woman because to them. There's. 10:51.24 archpodnet So. 10:59.68 archyfantasies Oh lord. 11:00.30 Anna Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, dated guys like that. Ah yeah I'll stop that cut that out. 11:00.36 archpodnet The yeah. 11:07.60 Tommy Ng More domesticated all that bullshit right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, like well well and. 11:07.76 archyfantasies Yeah, andnna tell us how domesticated you are I now now we're now we're just picking on Anna I'm sorry that's that's right? Yeah Tommy what? what's it like being an asian male in the field though I mean. 11:17.93 archpodnet Ah, so. 11:19.86 Anna Yeah. 11:22.53 Daryl I ah I want to hear how Tommy's eroticized as an asian male in field. Yeah. 11:24.30 Tommy Ng And don't get yellowll fear. Ah I wish I wish Ah I wish people eroticized me in a oh yeah, yeah. 11:26.60 Anna Oh your God This episode's gone the heck right? right? right? Yeah I will say. 11:29.61 archyfantasies Okay, look this this. This isn't our podcast real it in real it in. 11:35.89 Daryl Um, yeah. 11:38.53 archpodnet So. 11:41.33 Anna Though that like similar to Tommy I would also get asked a lot of the times like who what do you have for lunch kind of thing and like hey or like um, what what do your parents think of this. What this you know this field that you've gone into and I'm looking at the construction crew like what do your parents think of. 11:46.52 Tommy Ng Yeah. 11:59.45 Anna You working on an excavator all day like why are we having this discussion and then yeah yeah I might consider it myself. 11:59.75 Tommy Ng Yeah. 12:01.61 archyfantasies Okay, but they make more money than us. So. 12:06.66 Tommy Ng But still like you a hammer can oh you rage hammering You are just going right? It ah. 12:08.30 archyfantasies I was going to say. Do you see Anna and like a fucking back co who shit I don't know if they make the seats high enough for you. Those sweets. 12:23.50 Anna All right? So next segment but. 12:26.13 Tommy Ng That one both. 12:26.60 archyfantasies Ah. Love you I love your irish but so side I pick on anyway, yeah Brian you wanted to Brian. 12:32.39 Tommy Ng Ah, ah with wise are we got a lot of things we talk about? Yeah ah. 12:33.99 Anna Ah I would picking on the other side now all right? yeah. 12:39.70 archpodnet So well on that note. So so what. 12:48.18 archyfantasies You wanted to jump in on this though. 12:49.39 Bryan Baldeon Ah, go ahead. Jessica I'll you know I'll see like you guys are coming both at me. Okay, well alluding to what you said earlier with indigenous and Latino Latina latinx 12:52.64 archpodnet No, no, no, no, you go you go you go. 12:53.00 Tommy Ng I. 13:08.69 Bryan Baldeon In academia and feeling that ah they have to for me. It's I guess there's several reasons for me, it's just believing first and foremost believing in myself that I can obtain to that to that level to the highest level. 13:09.22 Anna Is. 13:27.36 Bryan Baldeon Of education if I have the chance to do it I mean right now I'm trying to obtain my bachelor's but if I have the chance to do it for me. It's why not is more so believing in myself and second second I mean. 13:38.51 Anna And. 13:46.90 Bryan Baldeon It's how many people or how many latinos Latinas Latinx are in academia and teaching all of my teachers have been predominantly white especially in anthropology. 13:59.50 Anna Um. 14:04.57 Bryan Baldeon And so I think that's very important to diversify that field and third it's really giving back to my community and me coming from an underserve underrepresented community like Stockton. I would like to give back to it and get and show these people or show my community that you know if you believe in yourself, you can you can do this. 14:28.99 Tommy Ng You just that's another episode. We could do Brian right? there? yeah. 14:29.90 Anna And and these goals of Brian are how it should be. This is how it should be. 14:32.35 archyfantasies Um, yeah. 14:38.90 archyfantasies And I'm not I'm not knocking Brian's goals because they are. He's absolutely 100% correct but coming back coming back to Tommy and I he and I have been doing this for well he's been doing it for 25 years I've been doing it for 20 we this is a real field. This is real work. 14:43.37 Anna Um. 14:44.41 Bryan Baldeon Right? But all. 14:55.51 Bryan Baldeon Um, right? yeah. 14:56.20 Anna Oh yeah, oh no, yeah. 14:56.49 Tommy Ng Now. 14:58.75 archyfantasies This is there. There's real research happening here I mean it but we don't have I mean I have an m a but we don't have ph ds and Tommy runs a company. 15:05.24 Anna Right? And that's the thing like I don't mean to like um, knock on serm because obviously I'm in serum I'm not going anywhere I'm stuck in serum I love serum. But. 15:15.46 archyfantasies But see no no, no, no, no, no go back to that I'm stuck in crm. What. 15:21.11 Anna Ah, no, no, no seriously I didn't mean anything by that. But the thing is the the goal that I see a lot of um, underrepresented marginalized archeologists going into academia as opposed to crm a lot of the times it's because. They feel as though they can't get respect any other way like as we were talking about and that they have to go through all the way higher education to get that respect from from from their families and from their fields like my my family looks at Crm akin to construction work. 15:41.38 archyfantasies A. 15:42.40 Tommy Ng Only written. 15:57.00 Anna They're not going to look at me being an archaeologist in academia akin to construction work and that's not saying construction work is bad or anything like that. But it's just I want to see more people go to academia because not because of of. Perception or society perception family perception anything like that. But because they want to do it and so that's why I'm proud of Brian um whereas I always worry about myself that if I ever if I think about it in my brain like maybe I should go for a ph d maybe I should go back into grad school. 16:16.60 archyfantasies Um, yeah. 16:31.27 Anna I'm constantly thinking about why I need to make shirts for a good reason. Why what's wrong with crm that I want to leave it. Why am I thinking this. 16:31.91 archyfantasies Um, yeah. Yeah, because I think if people went into it for the reasons that Brian's going into it and I and I assume Brian's going to try to pursue it as far as he can get I'm just assuming this brian feel free to correct me. Um, then. I think academia would be a more friendly and more progressive I mean people are all constant and this is one of the show episodes. We've been bantering around the whole idea of like um, you know we talk about we want archaeology to become more inclusive. We want it to become more. 17:09.33 Anna Um. 17:12.50 archyfantasies Ah diversified and that kind of stuff but yet there's a lot of barriers that keep people who are not white men out of the field and Brian has talked about that in his undergrad you know some of the pushback he's he's had from some of his own classes. Some of his professors I I don't know if you get any pushback from your own. 17:17.22 Anna Right. 17:31.16 archyfantasies Ah, classmates though Brian you'd have to speak to that. 17:31.63 Bryan Baldeon Um I I would say I would say yes I do um. 17:35.64 Anna And. 17:37.34 archyfantasies But what do you? What do you do when you feel like you're getting that like what? what do you do when you feel like that's happening. 17:42.90 Bryan Baldeon Ah I mean I Just try my best in all my classes and I try I Try my best to Participate. Ah, but the same time I try not to I try to just be inclusive in. Discussions and not try to talk over people or I try to give everyone a chance and try not to put the focus on me as compared to I see other students especially white students with the white Professor. Ah. 18:03.73 Anna N f. 18:15.79 Bryan Baldeon In a way just try to get on their good side and it's not that I'm trying I just be myself and um and I think that's important part right? You want to build a relationship with your professor but also or write professors. Ah but I I feel like it's a little bit. You have a white professor and a white student excelling. 18:33.94 Anna M. 18:35.78 Bryan Baldeon And then the flattened students or the minority students in the class who are just quiet for the most part. 18:38.43 Anna Um. 18:42.47 archyfantasies Or you get people like Anna worked under who's looking for their their star minority student. 18:48.54 Anna And also too like I don't want to elaborate on this or anything because like this is I mean we we talk about this a lot on our podcast episodes but like for me in Crm Um, and also when I was in you know, universities too. Um. Since going into this field. It's felt a lot like lining up against a wall for like kickball and me with um profiling um with gender and with my ethnicity as well. I felt like I'm always going to get picked last and it's really really difficult to look at my colleagues in the eyes. Especially when you know field season kicks into gear and if we're field teching or whatever to know that if I were to put in for the same job as my colleague they might get it. Um and we can be the same level of expertise or and it not might they will get it. Um, and and just always you know getting picked last because of profiling like that and you know it's It's made it really difficult to be in this field sometimes. 19:54.56 archyfantasies Tommy just curiously have you had that experience. 19:56.40 Tommy Ng I My experience is different me because for the longest time I was the only visbe minority in the field. So no, nobody thought about how different I was from everybody else and for I think for a good 10 years I was like it was just me. I I didn't meet anybody else who was like me I was like I and it I For the longest time it didn't bother me what I mean I didnt had casual racism in the field like when you meet the odd rancher and farmer How they they go go. They will go said they would say like I never met a chinaman outside a restaurant before or stuff that. 20:27.14 Anna If. 20:33.54 Anna Oh my God hoof. 20:36.10 Tommy Ng Yeah, yeah, you do yeah and but the thing is you learn a deal with that right? and so it wasn't I guess it wasn't until later on my career I realized I can't be the only one and for the longest time I was the only 1 right? and that's. 20:36.24 archyfantasies Jesus Christ ah I love landowners. Yeah. 20:42.19 Anna Yeah. 20:55.94 Tommy Ng That's when I started to reach out and that's how I met John that's where I met you Anna because I start real I start realizing and then that's why I started building his whole network and realize I'm not dealing on I mean I'm the oldest one I'm next to John right? I'm one that I I you can say um, um, you guys you can say in CRM mean 20:58.60 Anna Right. 21:12.43 Anna You have the oldest one. 21:15.41 Tommy Ng Yeah in CR m I'm ah in CRM in western canada or in Canada for the matter and I think of Canada I'm a trailblazer I mean especially as a owner of a company I am a trailblazer right? So I there's nobody else in my position. Nobody. 21:20.13 Anna Yes, yeah, oh yeah. 21:30.98 archyfantasies I want I want darro I want Anna and Brian to hear what Tommy has said here because like there's a difference between like what Anna was saying like I know every I know I'm gonna get picked last and Tommy's like I won't let you pick me last. 21:33.30 Tommy Ng Yeah. 21:47.19 archyfantasies So I just want you I know I'm serious I want the 2 of you to absorb that and like take it with you because Tommy's an unusual perspective and yeah, sorry and we need to wrap this up. But anyway I want the 2 of you? No I want the 2 of you to go and kick ass. 21:47.50 Tommy Ng Yeah. 21:57.10 Tommy Ng Ah. 21:57.13 Anna I I am I am thankful to have him as a mentor now that I've known him. Oh yeah, since. 22:04.93 archyfantasies And and don't take Saas from people anyway. 22:05.73 Tommy Ng And I want you two to come to me when when when something's wrong I tell you guys what to do and you guys know one's um I'm a straight shooter about this right? so. 22:11.21 Anna And then yeah and then hire us and then pay us the big Canadian dollars um but and. 22:16.10 archyfantasies That's true. Came. 22:17.36 Bryan Baldeon Um, sneakers in you got to sneak you send to Canada. 22:21.64 Tommy Ng Monopoly money who yeah. 22:21.92 Anna Ah, but we need we do need to wrap up. 22:22.53 archpodnet But so since we're finishing up this podcast and obviously we're talking about your podcast as a whole and we kind of went through like some of the different elements of your podcast and we talked about you know like. 22:38.75 Tommy Ng Ah, yeah. 22:41.41 archpodnet Creating it and we talked about current episodes future episodes. Um, what? what has the reaction been so far to your podcast. 22:42.79 archyfantasies Let's just like question Mark. 22:43.26 Anna So. 22:51.85 archyfantasies Well everybody hates it? ah no getting I absolute hard hard cancel now I mean I'm Spotify couldn't get this podcast up fast enough right? exactly. 22:53.62 Tommy Ng Ah. 22:56.58 Anna We've been canceled. We've been canceled taken off air Spotify is like we do not want this. 23:01.22 archpodnet Well I guess I should have known that before I invited you guys on huh. 23:01.53 Tommy Ng It. 23:06.38 Anna I. 23:06.74 Tommy Ng And I have so with my. 23:10.12 archyfantasies Sorry you're going to get canceled by proxy I just should have warned you um. 23:10.13 archpodnet Daniel. 23:15.17 Anna You're the only one that will like interview us now. So like. 23:15.96 Tommy Ng Math. 23:16.13 archpodnet So you can. 23:20.46 archyfantasies I'm going to I'm going to let them talk in a minute but I am going to step in here I have been both very pleased with the reception that the podcast has received and I have also been kind of disappointed. Um, and. The reason for that is yes I am on the podcast and yes I am one of the hosts of the podcast at least in the first 3 episodes. Um and I know that I was the one that put the call out and so I was very visibly attached to this? Um I have been. A little irritated by the number of people who approach me with questions about this particular this podcast in particular um before they approach Tommy and Anna or Brian or Darryl who are all on the same social media platforms as I am um. 24:06.39 Anna Are you. 24:14.27 archyfantasies So On the one hand I'm really glad that people are listening to this podcast and they're enjoying the podcast and they're getting value out of the podcast because that's the point but at the same time I'm a little dismayed that as the only. White person on the podcast I am the one that's being approached above the other people on the Podcast. So but now I'm going to shut up and let the rest of them. Talk. 24:38.16 Anna Oh oh oh yeah I mean I just um, just quickly like building off of that because like I looked up my announcement about the podcast on Twitter because we talked about how um I I posted mine separately and got a little bit of ah activity on there. 24:38.23 Tommy Ng And are you go gonna but. 24:56.41 Tommy Ng Ah. 24:56.57 Bryan Baldeon Full of success. 24:56.61 archyfantasies Anna's got fans man though. 24:56.63 Anna Um, well no okay so like so I got over let's say like over ah but um, almost over 200 likes and things and in retweets and things it got you know? ah the modest reception on there but um, hearing that that people are primarily contacting Sarah um. 25:06.40 archyfantasies Yeah, it did. 25:16.51 Anna With with all that reception and feedback that I've been getting on my post I only got 1 person actually reach out to me and um I let them know about ah our email but I only got one person reach out and on Twitter anyway and and say that um they were interested in being a guest and speaking on speaking with us on our podcast particularly. 25:19.39 archyfantasies And here. 25:26.94 archyfantasies I. 25:36.41 Anna Um, because um, not not not only even just to be on the podcast but because they wanted to speak with us to just have discussions and conversations with us because they haven't um, met any other ah Asian hyphenated archaeologists and in their neck of the woods. Um. 25:42.68 archyfantasies Are. 25:55.87 Anna But then other than that um I've had friends of mine um hear about the podcast and then text me or email me or reach out to me on Facebook and things and say you know this is what you're working on huh. Okay, this is actually really cool and when you told me about this a while ago I wasn't sure what to think but now. Um, interested in um, potentially like speaking on there I'd I'd love to meet you guys I'd love to um, speak on the podcast I love I love this idea and this is really cool. So um I think people just needed to like I said before people just needed to see what exactly this podcast was going to be all about. 26:29.43 archyfantasies Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 26:34.51 Anna But I know ah Tommy's got some um some stuff too to share. 26:35.49 Tommy Ng Yeah, yeah, on my side of the border I think because because of because I'm a I'm a senior level CRM or in canadada I think because I the reaction is a lot more different people respond to me directly you know because it because. 26:51.16 archyfantasies Um. 26:54.63 Tommy Ng People because because I have always been actively involved with the ah the can Canadian side of archeology and I got feedback from a couple of instructors at universities that this they put down our podcast is required listening and so and and the feedback the feedback been getting is they they this is something they they. 27:01.76 Anna Um, yeah, that was so exciting to find out about. 27:04.69 archyfantasies I Love it. 27:14.80 Tommy Ng Like the first 3 episode they listening they they they actually enjoyed it like it was an eye opening for a lot of them to see this point of view and that's why that's why they will put down is required listening and so I mean and that's how that's why we need do more. We did gotta do more episodes. so so I think because once again where you were getting where. 27:19.40 archyfantasies See. 27:22.66 Anna Um, yeah, yeah. 27:26.15 archyfantasies So. 27:34.30 Tommy Ng Sarah was getting feedback directly right? and I but for me because everybody knows me a hiring. We're small community right? but everybody knows me here. They they just contact me directly. So I I think because I've been around for such a long time and so yeah, yeah, seniority. So. 27:41.30 Anna Um, yeah. 27:45.44 archyfantasies I Think that's a a lot. Yeah I think that's a lot of seniority there too. 27:48.16 Anna Um, yeah, yeah. 27:51.35 Tommy Ng People now I'd realize that I'm in that role model now. So I could help other other underrepresented archeologists to come up the ranks and stuff like that. So yeah I'm a horrible rolema you know that? ah. 27:56.93 archyfantasies E. 27:57.53 Anna Yeah, you're a role model of mine tommy that's for sure. Yeah, but you are 1 um, but you're what I got. 28:02.54 archyfantasies That is true but you. 28:04.78 archpodnet Ah, on that heart overwhelming moment. 28:08.19 Bryan Baldeon I want to work for Tommy. 28:09.79 Tommy Ng Ah. 28:11.63 Anna Ah. 28:13.84 archyfantasies Brian what have you had any reception what? what's been your experience now that the podcast is gone live Brian Brian 28:19.40 Tommy Ng The 2 right here. 28:21.20 Bryan Baldeon Oh well for me. Um I have not had any reception or anybody reach out to me but personally for me, it's been truly a humbling experience. Um. 28:34.25 Anna This is it? yeah. 28:38.91 Bryan Baldeon When I reached out to or when I seen Sarah's post or Archie's post on Twitter or her tweet right? Um, at the time I was on bed rest I had a really bad knee injury and so I figured I was. When I would have my injury I you know I at that time I was not following anything archeological on Twitter and so I figured I was gonna be on bed risk for a couple months so what am I gonna do just be on Instagram all day like I might as well dive I guess kind of learn about maybe network. 29:14.30 Anna And. 29:16.00 Bryan Baldeon And from there like just reaching out to Archie and being on this podcast and it's been a truly remarkable experience that I'm very thankful for and to have this opportunity to learn from all of you and to to have heritage voices have us on this. Um I would have never expected this six seven months ago and I'm very thankful for it and I just want to keep on going and keep on exposing and telling the world. You know I think this's very important. 29:52.30 archpodnet So awesome. 29:53.28 Tommy Ng Yeah I was saying you. 29:54.25 archyfantasies Darrel I'm going to hurt you. 29:57.10 Anna Ah, no context there. But. 29:58.88 archpodnet Yeah, everyone's like what is happening so Chris edit that out. Um well take I lost my momentum. Okay, um, okay so yeah, um. 30:05.73 Tommy Ng Ah. 30:06.71 archyfantasies Ah, no, no, you leave that in there. 30:09.20 Anna Ah, sorry Chris. 30:15.33 archpodnet Everyone make sure that you go check out the digging to the other side podcast I Hope you all enjoyed this episode. They have plenty more examples really interesting stories over on the other side so that's kind of a funny pun there that was not intended. Um, but on the digging to the other side podcast. 30:27.62 Bryan Baldeon Full sufficient I think. 30:27.78 Anna We love it. 30:27.81 archyfantasies I Love it. 30:33.85 archpodnet So check it out and thank you guys so much for coming on and and sharing all of your stories with us today. 30:39.51 Bryan Baldeon Thank you Jessica. 30:40.27 Tommy Ng Thank you, thank you? Jessica yeah. 30:41.30 archyfantasies Yeah, thanks for this. 30:41.46 Daryl Yeah.