00:01.12 archpodnet All right? and we are back. So okay I have to ask where did the name come from. 00:05.23 archyfantasies Um, okay. 00:09.82 Daryl Um, so on the server we kicked around a couple ideas or or at least I threw a bunch of stuff at the wall to see what get it kind of stuck. Um, so I actually have a background in art. Um, and my most interested in like pop art. 00:14.80 Anna Successes. 00:18.99 Anna Um. 00:29.22 Daryl And I think I'm very very interested in that kind of um, kind of playful, funny silly like approach to things I'm very much a kind of um muppets slash Gary Larson on the far side. Um, kind of person where I like to flip things. Um, and so that's really what the name is is. It's. That sort of really childish idea of I'm going to dig to China you know, just just to see what's on the other side just just to see to sort of that sense of exploration and wonder like what is it like to be on the other side. Um, but of course in the flip side is then what if someone. In China or you know someone on the other side was digging digging the other way toward us and so that's the kind of the flip of it. Um, and for the artwork. Yeah. 01:08.29 Anna So. 01:11.97 archyfantasies Yeah, where do people in China dig to I mean what it what is what is the saying there. 01:14.27 Anna Ah. 01:19.38 Daryl Yeah, well I mean kids love digging in general. So yeah, um I I also did the artwork. Um, like I said I have background in art. Ah so I did actually did paint the image um and funny enough. 01:24.25 archyfantasies That's my point like yeah. 01:39.35 Daryl I'm I took pictures of myself as both the Digger and the person on the other side I have both hats I have both the pith helmet and the the conical hat. So who. 01:42.47 Anna I didn't know this. 01:43.78 Tommy Ng Remember. 01:48.84 archyfantasies He said that he shared the pictures on the Discord Anna. 01:52.00 Anna Oh ah had a crazy I've had a crazy year layoff. 01:54.72 Tommy Ng And right? well. 01:56.17 archyfantasies Ah, that's true. That's true. That's true. 01:57.46 Daryl Ah, so if we want I can post them to Twitter or something so you guys can see. 02:01.38 Tommy Ng Ah, now I see this and. 02:01.44 Anna Ah, like yeah. 02:02.18 archpodnet We will definitely have to put those on the show notes. 02:03.36 archyfantasies The one where he's squatting where he where he's doing that. Yeah, it's It's a pretty funny picture because he's like taking it at angle and it's just like what he. What are you trying to drop the do. So it's going on there. Sorry. 02:15.70 Anna Um, is it. 02:18.65 Tommy Ng I think that I think the best I think love we to I think and and I we took no, you had a suggestion from the ah was it. Um I guess I'm called the Oriental typeface. No remember. Yeah. 02:19.20 Daryl Ah. 02:29.50 Anna What. 02:29.89 archyfantasies Oh yeah, we did have no, no, no, no, we did have a discussion about that we did We did We did. 02:30.14 Daryl What not wait. What. 02:35.93 Tommy Ng Yeah, remember we had a discussion about that and I said we don't need that because it's just because it's told it so I know it's just yeah. 02:42.52 archyfantasies So the interesting thing about the typeface. So when I because um Darrel did do some handrawn ah font and it was it was I now. 02:51.73 Anna Oh we're talking about the font. Oh oh yes, we could talk about this sorry I'm just like what. 02:53.71 Tommy Ng Yeah, yeah, good. Yeah yeah. 02:53.87 Daryl Yeah, ah. 03:00.26 archyfantasies But but but so Darrel drew the the original lettering down and I was like nah don't don't do that I I when I make the icon I'm going to have to put our own stuff on there anyway. Um so darrell used a very asian e you know generic. 03:00.36 Daryl Ah, okay, because. 03:04.80 Anna Yeah, but. 03:11.20 Anna Ah. 03:19.89 Anna And he painted it himself. It wasn't like a font he was using he did it himself. Yeah. 03:20.70 archyfantasies Kind of looking fine. It was very cool I'm I'm not knocking it at all. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no he did he handed it himself. So I mean it was very nice. It was just like the message. Maybe not the message we were wanting to send with the icon art. So then I grab it and put it into um canva. 03:29.66 Anna Yeah, yeah. 03:38.30 archyfantasies Which is what I use for our art and the font that I picked was not a yeah, but no, no, no, that's the font we ended up with the original font that I used wasn't anything related to Asian anything. But when I put. 03:38.44 Anna Um. 03:44.80 Anna It's like a typewriter font. 03:56.90 archyfantasies The font on the picture and then shared it up just changing the context of the font with the image. It made it look like you know like a generic asiany font and Tommy Tommy was one of the first no and tomm. 04:07.64 Tommy Ng Yes, fine. 04:09.68 Daryl Um. 04:12.42 archyfantasies Was one of the first people to catch that he's like we really were not trying to go for fortune cookie here and I'm like no, you're right. 04:15.52 Tommy Ng No, or not because because because because it's just because it reinforces a stereotype. Yeah and that we don't need that right? We don't need that. So so get rid of it because now what with with the dagger roll a rice hat looking through the hole I think that's message enough right? there. 04:16.52 Anna So we take right there? Yeah yeah. 04:19.82 archyfantasies It does? Yeah no. 04:30.44 archyfantasies Yeah, yeah. 04:30.50 Anna Yeah, exactly we don't need to come on twice about that right. 04:30.85 Daryl Yeah, okay, my my artistic, my artistic sensibilities cannot let something stand first. It's not niric asian font I based it on epipic. Okay i. 04:33.20 Tommy Ng Yeah, yeah, so. 04:39.60 Anna How. 04:40.14 Tommy Ng Are. 04:44.68 archyfantasies I'm so sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry. 04:47.32 Daryl Don't remember often enough but I have tried to learn the arabic out um script ah number 2 the font that we vetoed I'm also vetoing is called chop suey fonts have a name so there you go? Oh but oh. 04:55.50 Tommy Ng Ah, ah, ah. 04:56.40 Anna And. 04:56.61 archyfantasies No, no, no, no, no, no the the font I originally used was not to call Chomp Sui I Forget what it was called. It was actually something French It's a it's a calligraphy. No, it's a calligraphy. It was a calligraphy font I wanted it to look like it was handwritten. No I'm serious I wanted it to look like it was handwritten so I looked for calligraphy fonts and that's the one that came up and I for it. 05:05.64 Daryl Ah, and. 05:16.00 archyfantasies It's got a French name. Um, but when you take that that aesthetic and you put it with the image. You know your brain makes an association with it and it was not the association we wanted. So we we mixed it and with with the the typewriter font. 05:19.54 Anna Yeah, yeah, right. 05:27.58 Anna Um, this has well. Ah oh because that was just a resolution thing I just wanted a ah image with better resolution and then so for my font that I put on it I I went on like. 05:32.90 archyfantasies And then Anna had to draw her own lettering on it. 05:44.76 Anna D A font dot Com I cannot believe we're doing a segment on fonts right now. But I just I So for mine. So the choice of font I chose I put in I think I typed in dirt and then I went with like the first option on the on the fonts for like like a font that was dirt. 05:46.73 archyfantasies Um, it's important. 05:49.70 Daryl Fonts Fons fonts. 06:02.61 archyfantasies I Honestly thought you hand you you hand lettered yours as well because it looks I I liked it but better minds mind's the best. 06:03.82 Anna Resembling I guess I don't know well somebody did it just wasn't me. But thank you yes funds right? right. 06:09.60 Tommy Ng But but but but the whole but the whole point is represent how we want represent ourselves is per parks right? because we don't We didn't want to use the chop suey fund because we know that's that's too stereotypical. You know it it really it just reinforces. 06:16.60 archyfantasies Exactly exactly. 06:22.57 Anna Move. 06:23.98 archyfantasies The. 06:28.67 Tommy Ng Perception reinforces in people the asiness or i'mnna quote Uncle the orientalness of us I mean we don't need that because we're the whole point of this podcast. Our podcast is is go beyond that you know that's town people look look you gotta look beyonded complexion and know that we're just like anybody else we you know. 06:32.66 archyfantasies Um. 06:39.12 Anna Um. 06:46.55 Anna Great. Great. 06:47.58 Tommy Ng Granted, we we all have um, we all have our differences in terms of culture and stuff like that. But so what? So so is a lot of Americans and Canadians who came from various backgrounds and stuff like that. But for some reason we' the ones who either invisible or we stand out. You know when when. 07:00.32 archyfantasies Um, actually you do both. 07:05.97 Tommy Ng Yeah, wolf like when there's a plague we stand out when there's nothing we're invisible it. So and here I am. 07:08.70 Bryan Baldeon Ah. 07:09.99 archpodnet Well or or you get the or you get the the model minority thing where it's like you know and and we get that as Jews too where it's like oh well. But what are you complaining about because everyone just thinks you're really smart. You know like. 07:11.40 archyfantasies Well no I mean going back to. 07:17.40 Tommy Ng Oh there? Yeah yeah, that's a good. 07:18.80 archyfantasies Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 07:25.83 Anna Yeah, yeah, right. 07:27.15 Tommy Ng Now God Another stereo quite right? there? Yeah, ah. 07:31.16 archpodnet No yeah, yeah. 07:31.46 archyfantasies I Mean if we're going to have this discussion. We can talk about white passing. But yeah. 07:32.20 Daryl Her. Well. 07:35.48 Anna I Used to have people cheat on my math tests and stuff and that's just like I'd laugh at it because I'd look over at the person like looking you know, looking over over my shoulder and I'm just like yeah try it, Enjoy the f Yeah, exactly. 07:41.98 Tommy Ng A. And. 07:46.85 archyfantasies Um, notes on you I'm bad at math. 07:51.34 Tommy Ng You can you guys you guys ever still get this comment but people say where where were you born? Ah yeah, yeah, that. 07:56.31 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 07:56.42 Anna Yeah, yeah. 07:56.44 archyfantasies It. 07:58.42 Daryl In a hospital. 08:01.69 archyfantasies On Planet Earth many many years ago. 08:07.90 archpodnet Um, yeah. 08:10.90 Tommy Ng I mean I don't know I still get that every once while so that current. 08:14.58 archyfantasies It's no I just going back to the invisibility thing though. Um when I was putting the intro to the podcast together. Oh god that was that was a whole other thing. Yeah trying to find the right music and Daryl actually was the one that came up with the digging sounds. 08:21.31 Anna Oh yeah, we had a discussion about that. 08:32.40 Anna I Like that a lot. 08:34.23 archyfantasies And so I ran well I ran with that but see ah what youtubed what you guys don't know I was originally going to find I was trying my damnedest to find um railroad work songs from the Chinese workers because I know that some of those had gotten recorded. There are none. It's not that there weren't any.. There's It's not like the Chinese workers didn't have work songs. It's just they were purposefully not recorded so I couldn't find him and I was like well fine then fuck it. We just went with the digging noises and that's all it is now it's just the digging noise which I actually kind of like. 08:54.75 Tommy Ng She's mad. 09:00.29 Tommy Ng Yeah, that's right. 09:08.28 Bryan Baldeon Yeah, sounds great. 09:08.49 Anna Yeah. 09:10.83 archpodnet So I. 09:12.54 Tommy Ng It's it's like here in Canada we when the railway when when the railway is being built right? Love lot the chinese workers work on the railway. But when they came to the picture that when the last spike was hammered in no chinese workers were in that photo and yeah. 09:18.91 archyfantasies yeah yeah I mean that's that's the invisibility thing though. It's that's that's the thing I was talking about like if you just do casual research into the history of asian americans or Asian Candidate Canadians canadians 09:25.50 Anna And he. 09:36.28 Tommy Ng Cannnadas. 09:37.23 archyfantasies Can added ins screw you I am from this country we will pronounce it the way we want day. But yeah I mean it's It's completely erased. It's it's in it's active. It was an active conscious decision. It wasn't like an accident. 09:37.50 Anna Andans Cananans a. 09:39.40 Tommy Ng I Um can are and. 09:43.29 archpodnet And a. 09:45.93 Anna Sin. 09:53.11 archpodnet So what are some of the the topics. You guys have talked about so far I mean we have the name we have the artwork we have the font we got the intramusic. What are what have you guys talked about. 09:55.12 archyfantasies Anyway. 10:06.16 Tommy Ng Oh everything? Ah what? Ah but that could be on a pop culture side. But and no. 10:10.20 archyfantasies We've only had 3 We've only had 3 episodes. 10:11.44 Anna I Don't know how we don't have an episode on fonts yet. We seem to have a lot to say about the know. 10:18.44 archyfantasies You know people think the putting a podcast together is easy but they're wrong, um that their first episode was just kind of introducing everybody and kind of getting used to. You know why? why? this podcast even exists. What was the second episode. Oh that was um japanese. 10:32.55 Tommy Ng Are on the internment camp there. Um, yeah, that's right and then Brian I did the chi time one. Yeah and so we're we're trying to get the word where we have more episodes in the works right now. So. 10:36.66 Anna Yes, yes, that's the third episode. Yeah. 10:37.33 archyfantasies So was the toe pass 1 um, was yeah yeah, yeah. 10:49.24 archyfantasies We do? Oh we have a lot I'm impressed Well in one of the yeah. So yeah, but we got an episode on food coming up. 10:52.52 Tommy Ng Just trying to get it just trying to get everybody together. Yeah. 10:53.32 Anna Yeah, yeah, field season starting up and but our next yeah and then we have another one on you know, kind of ah tackling um inclusion and you know diversity committees and things like that and our tips. 11:01.12 Tommy Ng Next. 11:13.24 Anna For for navigating that in organizations and associations I'm I'm looking forward to that one and I know that me and Tommy have both been running into ah experience like ah you know, just experiences about that that we would like to talk about. 11:29.32 Tommy Ng Yeah, yeah. 11:30.70 archyfantasies Tommy Tommy and Anna have strong opinions about things I'm not sure if I'm not sure if you're picking up on this and and they feed off of each other. 11:32.30 Anna That you can see me holding back on that. 11:40.49 Tommy Ng Ah, or left. 11:43.31 archyfantasies And then Brian and Darrel and I we just kind of sit in the background and we're just kind of like all right? whatever. 11:47.48 Daryl Well like I like I said when the beginning of this I I wanted to be the grover of this podcast. So all of you can be the Sam the Eagle so manner. 11:47.80 Tommy Ng I I. 11:54.99 Tommy Ng Ah. 11:55.32 archyfantasies Ah, but that well that failed you're you're like the bert to our Ernie. 12:01.31 Tommy Ng And we're we're We're also looking to bring some guests like I think we get we guess we got some people lineing up. We get some. We're gonna talk about Japanese Turment Cams I guess on the American and Canadian setting and so we got some people of Japanese heritage. 12:02.64 Anna Ah, oh my god. 12:13.34 archyfantasies Yeah. 12:13.39 Anna Um, yeah. 12:20.38 Tommy Ng And who have been actually working in these archeologists and historians working on these camps so we want we want talk about their perspective and and where is gonna bring in another archaeologist. She's been working on chinatowns and so be be nice like I know Brian and I had a discussion ah on it. So for you nice bring somebody who who who actually been working on it. 12:25.49 Anna Yeah. 12:38.24 Anna Yeah. 12:38.42 archyfantasies Yeah Brian does some really impressive research into the chinatowns too. So. 12:40.31 Tommy Ng Right? And finger. Yeah, exactly. So so we're we, we're we're looking and I know in our Dis or we talked a lot. 12:47.86 Anna Yeah, we we regularly communicate with each other on there. No, but we are friends. Um, so but another. 12:51.13 Tommy Ng Yeah, so no, ah yeah. 12:51.36 archyfantasies We're we're not, We're not going to say what we talk about though. 12:53.34 Bryan Baldeon A. 12:57.94 archyfantasies Because. 13:00.76 Anna I don't know if I I've mentioned this to my friends but another episode idea that has been kind of trickling in my head um was um, looking into folklore and stuff in our cultures. You know, maybe for like a Halloween episode or like an arcie. What's it called arc. Geological fantasies. Ah like ah collab I think those guys might be interested. Those guys might be interested but I know that like in my culture. Um, you know for for my for my mom. She's she's got some interesting I'm not going to tell it because I'm going to save that for the episode. But. 13:21.80 archyfantasies Why does? Why do you guys? call me out you and Darrell the fuck man. 13:31.68 archyfantasies I Love this story. 13:38.52 Anna She's got some um, interesting folklore that she has told me about you know, growing up as a kid that severely traumatized me and it's got some anthropology tidbits in there and some anthropologists have looked into it and I think it would make for a really interesting podcast. 13:53.87 archyfantasies I I really want you specifically you and Brian to compare your folklore experiences, especially you're growing up folklore experiences just because of your backgrounds well and I guess Darrel can jump in on it too because I forget. 14:04.55 Anna Um, darrell yeah, darrell's got some too. Yeah. 14:10.95 Daryl Um, maybe. 14:12.94 Tommy Ng Ah. 14:13.85 archyfantasies Um, was just it's just the but your your family backgrounds like. 14:18.53 Anna You shared a story your family told you not too long ago that would work really? well. Yeah, there's that. 14:23.16 archyfantasies Or we could just talk about the jupicabra I mean. 14:26.29 Daryl Ah, chippakaper or Chipp Kara okay never mind nevermin a spanish thing and. 14:32.42 Anna So this is basically our process of coming up with episodes. This is this is live for all of you. 14:34.85 archyfantasies Ah, is say I I personally would like to do an episode on ah Chinese women and early Chinese women immigrants. So. 14:38.46 Tommy Ng Ah. 14:43.93 Anna Um. 14:46.52 Tommy Ng Oh that's that's a good one I think I guess some people we could tap into that and I why. 14:50.59 Anna Yeah. 14:51.70 archyfantasies Well apparently they were called Poker Brides Poker No seriously they was one of the names for them was Poker brides and I'm sure you can figure out why from context there. 14:54.27 Daryl What. 15:00.60 Tommy Ng Um, yeah, ah and I know you and I were talking about these. Ah these are Chinese tunnels like it's It's like it supposed me this.. There's this myth in chinatowns that there there's this network of tunnels. Chinese people used to hide themselves and they used to run run people through them stuff like that. Yeah yeah, yeah, man. 15:22.23 archyfantasies Yeah, so my question with the tunnels thing you know since we're just hijacking this podcast at this point um did the tunnel thing come before after the Vietnam war. Oh that's interesting. Okay. 15:25.19 Anna Since and. 15:27.56 Daryl I. 15:33.53 Tommy Ng Before way before there's ah, there's a story goes around that even rum runners were using them and they were still in even San Francisco and early san viz they were stories of the they're in the head tax era the chinese to hide themselves in these tunnels where the the more like a connection. 15:34.96 Daryl Oh. 15:36.17 Anna And. 15:52.23 Tommy Ng A network of basements now so they did. 15:54.26 archyfantasies What are like Chinese people actually ants is that what I'm supposed to be taking away from this like. 15:59.42 Tommy Ng And my ah yeah yet if. 16:00.18 Daryl Well okay, serious question then serious question then is if it predates the vietnam war then is this story specifically specifically about chinese immigrants in North America or is it a kind of folkloric story that gets repeated over and over again and it gets reframed. 16:19.20 archyfantasies Now. Yeah. 16:19.78 Daryl You know for each period for that particular context that's that'd be interesting study. 16:20.68 Tommy Ng I Think yeah well I think I think it's has started with the Chinese immigrant experience and I think I think it's I'm not I may actually find someone who could spec who could best speak about this. So I think I think this I think this is where we could get a guest and who could actually talk about this and. 16:22.30 Anna And. 16:37.42 archyfantasies Um, say have they ever actually found a quote unquote tunnel that they could associate with with the Chinese group I mean I'm not saying people can't dig tunnels but I'm just saying like just because you find one Tunnel doesn't mean like everybody was doing it. 16:39.60 Tommy Ng Very town. 16:47.66 Tommy Ng There's a individual. 16:52.56 Tommy Ng Well that there Priscilla Priscilla Weer she's been doing lot stuff on um asian asian american history and she actually had she actually has a on her website something about chinese tunnels and she and I talked about and she goes they don't exist that they're they're myth. They're just they're just a connection of basements. 16:56.30 Anna Yeah. 16:58.26 archyfantasies Yeah. 17:05.30 archyfantasies No, all right? Well there you go. 17:12.42 Tommy Ng And stuff like that. It's like now because of that people envision these like stuff. Forget Chinatown in history people have people have a bad perception in China because it's seedy right? and therefore it's it's it's it's crime rating aus time and therefore they have his network tunnels where they they're running all kinds of illicit things and stuff like that. So. 17:20.45 archyfantasies Um. 17:30.56 archyfantasies Kind of goes back to like the whole idea of like the pirate tunnels though like yeah. 17:32.41 Tommy Ng And that yeah exactly the the whole myth started with that so exactly and vote nobody realized the whole reason and North American Chinatown existed because of the head tax. Oh because of because of the restrictions on chinese immigration is to say not just a head attack right? like you know like they're forbidding women. 17:45.93 Anna Um. 17:51.31 Tommy Ng Chinese women to come into the country right? So what do you do when you get a whole bunch of men together. What we do because I'm crazy as shit. You never get a group of youert. Yeah yeah. 17:55.54 archyfantasies What? okay okay okay okay I do want to I do want to throw I do want to throw something back at Brian though because like he did in the the China China episode Brian did did do ah quite a bit of really good research and he brought to our attention that um, just through the pictures like. 18:02.24 Daryl And. 18:09.91 Tommy Ng Yeah, oh yeah. 18:15.27 archyfantasies Ah, the american chinatowns like he showed us a picture and he was like yeah this is one of the early China towns and I'm like is that here in the states or is that in China because it looks like I mean which makes sense I mean it it completely makes sense. You're gonna build your town to look like what you're familiar with and so. 18:23.30 Tommy Ng Like yeah. 18:23.98 Anna Ah. 18:30.95 Anna Right. 18:33.69 Bryan Baldeon I do um I would what I did not mention on that podcast that where you know some of my research came from or you know particularly most of it came from. 18:34.57 archyfantasies But yeah I I would never have envisioned it that way So that's. 18:52.61 Bryan Baldeon Ah, the book that I was reading san fo ah I did not mention who was the author. Ah who is just want to give her a shout out she ever listens sylvia sun minnick and so she is a former Stockton City Council member 18:53.50 archyfantasies Me. 19:02.33 archyfantasies Um, yeah. 19:10.96 Bryan Baldeon As well as community activists and a member of several chinese american organizations throughout the state and so her heritage comes from you know chinese heritage but also early chinese heritage from Stockton so I would just like to give a shout- out to Sylvia Sundmanic 19:27.92 archyfantasies Yeah, and that book is really cool so where you go I'm gonna hand this back over to Jessica now. 19:28.62 Tommy Ng Um, yeah, yeah I like those photos sounds was awesome. Yeah well. 19:29.66 Bryan Baldeon And San fell. 19:32.99 archpodnet All right? Well we can put I was gonna say we could. We could put the the book in the show notes if there's a link or something on Amazon awesome. So we'll put that in the show notes. 19:43.96 Anna Absolutely. 19:48.86 Bryan Baldeon Yeah, that works. 19:49.71 archpodnet And then right now we are going to go to break but we will be right back here in a second. 19:56.27 Daryl State.