00:00.00 alifeinruins Welcome to episode one sixty nine of the life insuranceance podcast I'm your host David Ian how Carlton is somewhere in the western hemisphere probably in the west indies and ah Connor is at a party. Ah and I am here. I have no idea what I'm supposed to talk about today. They said just talk about dogs and please don't cancel us I'm going to try my fucking. Best. Okay here we go so starting off good. Ah I recently posted a lecture. Or not recently this was January on Youtube um of me giving a lecture on just like the history of dogs if you go to Youtube you type in history dogs and it's history dogs Colon Archeology Evolution Mythology I think um and it took off that was. Pretty wild to me and I gave that talk in um November at the University Of Wyoming and here's a thing about media guys like make all of your presentations like if if you're in academia if you're in crm too or just any business or just you're you're just interested in archeology. Take a public speaking course and also learn how to record an oh hang on I don't know why he's barking. That's Conor's dog elco speaking of dogs learn how to record learn how to edit if you can and hang on I'm up to pause recording. 01:32.39 alifeinruins Okay, ah Chris or Rachel cut out where where the dog started barking where was I I'll start this back so you can edit it right? learn to record learn like av equipment. Um and learn to edit just basic stuff and it's kind of amazing now that on Tiktok and Instagram. There's like full-on editing programs and software that's already on the app. You don't have to use like Adobe or Davinci resolve anymore I'm getting too technical but my point being I had a camera pointed at me and it was. Makeshift I had no idea like what angle to do it at and I was trying to film it like a ted talk I didn't have a second camera to look at the audience nor did I have their permission to record them. You should probably always get that consent is key. Um, and then yeah, it just kind of was a weird angle at the podium. And you couldn't see the slot like the screen above me, it's just me at the podium and a giant blackboard and I found out when I was editing like oh shit I can put words I can like write on that chalkboard with what I'm talking about and then instead of having the powerpoint on top. Ah, just like a boring as slide which a lot of Youtube lectures are I put b- Rollll which is b- rollll is the secondary stuff that you know goes over top of people talking. So like if you're talking about bison. You'll see like bison eating grass or in like a murdered mystery. It's like you know someone's hands with blood on them like b roll. 03:02.28 alifeinruins Um, but yeah, so like a wolves bison archeology stuff in this one and that was I lost my train of thought this is gonna happen a lot if you're editing this um or listening to this wow it. It just. Disappears from my head blackboard. Yes, so a lot of things in the lecture on the fly I missspoke or just misquoted and I also notice I have so many ticks where I say um like every time or like yeah. Yeah, and like you get to edit that stuff out and anything you don't like or how you sound you can edit out and there are parts where I said like Ketsa Quat and showlo go down there and they get the bones. But I I meant to say that I meant like into the underworld they're supposed to go get the bones. In the lecture I said they go down there and they get the dogs which makes no sense based on what I was saying sholo and ketzulquat go down into the underworld to get all the previous versions of humans that the gods tried to make that failed and they get the bones and the dog sniffs them out. And they take those bones back to earth and make the fourth iteration I think fifth iteration in aztec mythology or meska mythology. Um to make humans and then the god smashes what's mi Miklanta Quitli is the god of death there and he smashed the bones up. 04:33.10 alifeinruins Out of like spite and that's why people are all different sizes. But anyway I misspoke so I took clearly I said dogs a lot in the lecture I took or I'm sorry I said bones at some point in the lecture and I took that clip and put it over where I said dogs and this is getting really technical. But that's the beauty of being able to edit your own stuff like I can go in and just essentially gaslight the audience and the people on Youtube like this is what I said or like the people that were in the lecture. You're like I don't remember him saying that and you know that's the beauty of it. You get to do it gaslighting is not cool I recently found out what that. Is and I've been doing it. Oops anyway, you get to edit your own stuff. Um, and on that whiteboard or the blackboard. All the corrections that I had. 05:21.69 alifeinruins Like things that I misspoke on the fly because I usually walk away from the podium and I've rehearsed this lecture a million times I didn't quite refer to it correctly or state a fact right? So on that whiteboard I could add text which then I could animate with the basic like. Dissolve or like disappear animation or I can like add a cool graphic where it like buzzes like it's electric. Um, and the constant broll on top of the thing. Ah my therapist actually recently I got a new one in the last three months two months sheep like. Ah, send her a lecture the first like after my first session and I was like this is what I do for like a living if that helps you like understand my many issues and the 1 thing she pointed out like firstly was that ah I have Adhd clearly it's why I have the therapist. Um, but she said. I'm using that adhd in the way my mind works to keep people's attention and obviously my lectures are a little more entertaining than other boring asked Youtube lectures on Youtube and a lot of lectures I've seen in person by professors not to gloat I'm just saying like the the way I edit and the way I speak. Is engaging because I keep talking and maybe I've lost you in this podcast because I say umm and butt or whatever too much, but the way the way I speak I kind of say it as it and like I speak in verbal parentheses like i'll. 06:51.21 alifeinruins Um, speaking and then like I'll add another thought in the middle of that sentence into parentheses if you saw it written and then after the parentheses finished the thought I don't know if that makes sense to you in the slightest but that's how I speak and she pointed out that that keeps people constantly. On edge. There's no point in the lecture where I kind of just stop or at least I edited it that way too where I kind of just stop talking separate points where I needed like you know pregnant pause and that apparently keeps people engaged because they don't have time to stop and think and when you have time to stop and think that's when you get distracted. So I just keep adding information and adding information on top and that kind of like it'll eventually click with everything I'm saying it makes sense at the end and you have to make it go full circle. So each slide I kind of do that or I'll bring like a section of the powerpoint back. This is all probably meaning nothing to you and nothing about archeology. But it's just archaeologists are really shitty at talking and that's why I started doing this and Connor and Carlton and I started the podcast just I can't explain it. It's just like not to say it's like standup comedy but I guess it is I said that last episode I was on. Like the audience is your barometer for how you're doing so I can when I was in class as an undergrad I would sit there and just zone the fuck out when they were talking about Pythagorean theorems and I was like I mean yeah, it's interesting hypotenuse is it's a cool word. Um, actually that's the 1 thing I took ah from. 08:24.28 alifeinruins You know, math class the geometry the geometry excel that everything else was just dog shit um had to take remedial classes over the summer and see these these are the seways that I go on anyway. Um, lost my train of thought archaeologists. Are bad at speaking and I think it's important that everybody I had to take a public speaking class in college and I was very very anxious like around my friends I could speak just fine and that was myself but around new people and especially around women I was like the classic. Kid who just froze and was like ah ah and then just ran away and it was like crippling and I found out later I had you know, anxiety and issues and then I worked on that in therapy. Also a lot of that is getting older. Um I can't really tell which is which but both have helped with the anxiety. And I took a public speaking class and it was rough like the structure of it and how you're supposed to talk and stand and whatnot. Um that was difficult for me but I learned a lot and I even messaged that professor I found her on. Ah, Facebook a couple years ago and was like hey I really appreciate you doing a public speaking class or whatever and she was like stoked and saw my Youtube and stuff. Um, but yeah, it really it just helped me get out of my comfort zone and if you're in undergrad and you're going into grad school for this stuff. You're gonna have to learn how to present because you got to present every paper you write. 09:55.95 alifeinruins And then then your thesis or your dissertation later on and maybe if you're working in corm or you just work in an office crunching numbers. You probably gonna have to present at some point so keepbe that in mind that the point is I mean the point of public speaking is get the point across. But I like to give things Dave Chappelle does this well where he makes it come full circle so he'll talk about a topic in the beginning either and then at the end of the entire show. He'll bring it back or just sometimes in the segments he does he'll bring it back so always have a point that circles back to what you're saying. And that keeps people if they zone out they click back in I think when you bring that in and that's why Dave Chappee is wildly successful at sandup comedy actually I would consider him currently the best in Louis C K um but I mean barring all their the shit I don't care. But anyway public speaking and the the lecture did well and I think I was going on a trent about my therapist like adding the pictures and stuff on top and the animations and like I even have all the art that that artist draws for us. It was used to be the podcast logo and. I had him sketch out like various scenes with dogs in them and prehistoric scenes just so I can literally paint the picture for people in the audience of what I'm talking about so I can put them into the setting if I'm just talking about lithics or dog bones and there's just words on the slide and maybe a clip art of a dog. 11:31.67 alifeinruins Who's gonna fucking care. So I add that artwork because it just puts people in in the mindset and his style is so unique and like kind of graphic novelty that it really pulls you into a story and I got a lot of comments about that and I was like yeah tori mas is fucking gifted. Um. So adding that and then sometimes I'll take little clip in photoshop which is also learn how to do I can cut out pieces of those arts. So like a person that's in it or an elephant or a bison and use that and other things and then I can animate that bison to walk across the screen and just to make it kind of. Not goofy but just to keep people's attention and it also is just the way I explain things and how I I don't see things in my head I just like feel them um or think them I should say so like editing videos to me is like ah it's like a canvas and it's like videos are like not. To say it's an art form I mean it is an art form. It's why it's like because Bafta is a thing but the odd scar is but yeah it it helps me organize my thoughts and gets my gets my thoughts across much like Van Gogh would paint or Shakira would sing and be chikira. Um, the Chris and Rachel I'm so sorry I had no plan for this but I'm I'm trying to keep it in um, back up back up backup the setting the clip art animations. 13:06.11 alifeinruins Keep people engaged. Oh right? So and I mentioned photoshop and Adobe premmire and da vinci resolve those all sound intimidating and I'm gonna tell you 1 thing I learned photoshop and everybody should learn how to photoshop, especially these days if you need to get. Not back at somebody but like you need to edit something or maybe you missed a date on something and you just photoshop the date again gaslighting people I didn't mean to do that I just well in that case I did um but I really shouldn't go into the legalities of what I did with that one. But other things too where I like you know had to edit a a video um or edit like a photo and back got back up backup yeah like edit the green screen out of the photo like I'm in right now I'm sitting by the green screen which you can do. And photoshop and then premiere and video. Um but what I wanted to get at is I learned photoshop in college by making memes because that's when like actual memes were a thing before videos were where you had the the meme on like the text on top and the thing on the bottom. And like it was a cat or is the girl with the the house burning in the background or the overlytached girlfriend. What was the other one bad luck Brian all those things I learned how to do that because in photoshop then I was like hey what font is those memes made in looked it up and it's called impact bold. 14:35.29 alifeinruins And then I went to that and then I was like okay that doesn't look right? It needs a border around the text also because if it's just a white text on a background There's no border to just distinguish it from the flatness of the color on it. This will make sense in a second and then I would goot just Google it like. How do I do that and then you right click on it and then you go to you know prop rate not properties. There's a can't directly explain blending options you click on the layer and go to blending options and it will say like stroke or glow and then the stroke is the the outline of those words and from there I was like okay I can make memes and then you learn to export it. Um, and so forth from there and then one time I was like hey how do I edit this giant zit out of my face clearly, there's a lot of videos on that on Youtube so I'd look that up and Google it on what what I'm getting at here is it's absolutely easy. And there's skillshare and there's Youtube tutorials and there's all these things that are just so intimidating and when I wanted to do all this I sat down listening with skillshare and paid for it and I was like all right episode one and they're like welcome to Adobe Premiere press file and. It was just numbing for me and trying to animate I just I couldn't do it but when I lecture and if you guys are going to make a video or you're going to give a presentation or use photoshop or premiere or whatever. Um. 16:02.28 alifeinruins You'll come across something where you're like how do I convey that and I wanted to make the in this video make ah the clovis people the person and the dog come from Meringia to um or from Asia across beringia into the Americas so to do that I would look it up. And like I knew how to do it at this point but this is just an example, there's things called Keyframes where you like the piece like how you animate there's a timeline and you put little dots on this timeline of where that photo should be in space. And then you can move it around from there and you can adjust it to the time that's animation like moving an arm back and forth of like a a little character that's all it is. It's a keyframe there to keyframe back like 1 2 3 and then at that times 400000 you get a Pixar movie That's I used to be pissed about how much those people made I'm like damn like why is like movie people make so much money. That's a lot of work like is a lot of work and they outsource it to teams and stuff. But um I started this off I talk about dogs and lectures the The only reason you don't know how to edit or you don't know how to take photos or make video or whatever is because one you haven't started and then two you haven't needed to yet and when you need to like when I needed to make a meme in class when I was bored in undergrad I learned photoshop. 17:30.61 alifeinruins And then from there I learned the tools and then premiere I start and I was like how do I edit a video and premiere is like what Netflix shows use I know black mirror I like even they show it in there. They use um Adobe premiere to make movies so you can make you know. Avatar with Adobe premiere I'm sure they use other things and you can also make a shitty little animation of a dog walking across beringia and all that is is googling answers and questions. Um, and yeah so public speaking is. 18:08.67 alifeinruins It's what you make it and I obviously try to make mine funny which makes it engaging and then I do the full circle thing and I keep people in like a loop so they can you know come back In. That's the full circle thing I guess but I'm running at a time here on this segment. Um. But you know what we'll take this into the next one. Um, and I'll come up with a better better plan or I'll I'll come up with the I'll finish that thought how's that we'll take this into the next segment and or we'll I'll take this into the next segment and start off with that thought.