00:01.45 alifeinruins And we're back to episode 1 64 um so outside of just kind of like general this this background this was the first year that homecoming wasn't so it's usually held at um, the high school football field which is a little bit down the road and it's off the reserve. Um. It's not technically a reservation anymore. It's a reserve because of the district ways so we brought it so this is the first year we had it on the reserve at mows yellow horsefield and mos yellow horse is the first fullblooded indian to have played major league baseball. He played for the pirates. Um, so we held it there on the reserve and it was just so much nicer like actually being on the reserve and then everyone camps you know you you get camp sites. So usually everyone camped on the reserve anyway. So rather than having to drive down the street which isn't you know terribly far but you would have to drive down. You could just walk. Like we had to take chairs up for family like me and my cousin and by the time we had put the chairs in the truck driven the truck and parked it everyone who had walked was already there like you know it was nowhere. It wasn't far at all. Um, and it's a lot more fun because you're like in camp and you can hear. If even if you're not up there. You can hear the drums and you can hear the music. Um, and there's like basketball courts up there too. So like a lot of the kids were playing basketball. It was a lot more open space. It's not in the woods and it just felt much better because the last time was I I was at a homecom was it was as a kid I usually go back for like dances and other like. 01:30.66 alifeinruins Ban specific things. Um, but just because like the past couple years you know this weekend is in the middle of field season. So I haven't been able to go back for this in a long time just because of work. Um, but but here because of the funeral a lot of my family was there and ah, you know, even. 01:35.48 Captain Sad Yeah. 01:49.73 alifeinruins It was kind of like funny because I was talking. We had talked about like death a couple weeks ago so like during this morning ceremony like mourning for my uncle. It's like a you know it's like a three day event um that ends with a feast and it's all ceremonies I don't want to get into it but there is this I was I mentioned this in our group chat with Shane and Jesse but um. A lot of us were so concerned about fucking up because like we're kind of used to being yelled at because as as kids especially and a lot of us still think that way now they're all adults with their own kids but we still think about when we were kids and getting yelled at for stuff. So after we buried my uncle we have to go back to the pony nation roundhouse for the morning feast and we were all like we got to go. We got to go. We got to go. There's no time to dilly dally and I mean some of my cousins wanted it. You know their parents had passed so they wanted to visit their gravestone so they had to be quick about it. So we're all super concerned to get back in time because we god forbid we were late but right as the service was going to start. We heard like the door creak open you know everybody in the roundhouse is like looking towards the entrance. And this woman and her family come in holding the those sonic route 44 mega cops and then dragging this cooler and the only way I can describe it. It's like that scene from men in black when will Smith is like dragging the table across the room in white to do the test That's what it sounded like and um. 03:01.70 David Howe Ah. 03:07.18 alifeinruins Everyone was fucking pissed and the headman of the ceremony. You know he gets up the the room's divided. The roundhouse is divided into you have family on one side you have guests on the other and like part of this ceremony is like it's my uncle's last meal with everybody and so a family. 03:18.67 Captain Sad Me. 03:23.83 alifeinruins This is the coolest thing about being Indian is like there's a family that took care of us so we wouldn't have to do it So a family they fed us like they made all the meals for my family. Um, and for the guests and you can't say no so like you know we were breaking out Ziploc bags. So like there's no saying no to food you have to take it so but you basically get take like leftovers too at the same time. But as as the headman is is giving his speech. He like looks to us and he starts going on this rant about how inappropriate was to bring in route forty four S. So my my uncle and Aunt immediately get up and they start surveying the rest of us to look if we had brought. 04:01.70 alifeinruins Um, because we were all like Nope and for once it wasn't us. They're got in trouble but we had we'd been talking about it when that woman came in because it was hot down there and I was like talking to my cousins like man that actually like a route 44 sounds like sounds great. But after that person got chewed out publicly in front of the tribe for doing that We're like Well. God We didn't fucking stop it Sonic on the way home. But then we just started making memes about the whole the whole incident like you know because that might you know how it goes like my family especially like humor is a big deal. So like after a day we found some funny photos of my uncle and meme the shit out of them like you know that face when you bring a. 04:34.91 David Howe Oh. 04:36.17 alifeinruins Route 44 sweet tea into the morning feast and get caught stuff like that. Um, and then after that was done. We technically done mourning and we can kind of have a little bit more brevity to have quote unquote fun and just be home because it was fun being able to see you know Matt. And his role. You know Matt is still a south bench chief who we've had on the podcast before and at that powow he's up front on sun or stage. You know, judging people. He's part of the whole process. Um, it was it was a lot of it was a lot of fun and it was just fun to be around family have the tepee set up. And um, just to be fed so much food and just to be around so many pawnees because there's tepees all over the place. Everyone's pretty much in regalia. Um, and it's a really good time and tribes and even like um, tribal police from other tribes. They show up to help out so that way our tribal police can participate. 05:13.68 Captain Sad Yeah. 05:29.89 alifeinruins So it's this really cool at coming together of like indians across Oklahoma to participate and be there for 1 another? um and like our homecoming is like noted as one of the top things to do in Oklahoma for July fourth weekend. Um, and it's well it's it's free and public to anybody. 05:43.14 Captain Sad Our art our outsiders. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 05:48.98 alifeinruins Yeah, people can come all the time like you know you don't have to jump in. There's a lot of folks from other tribes that come um and even some you like even some people you know because they they come from mixed Indian families when they dance like they're wearing you can tell real quickly who's not pawnee based on their regalia. 05:54.80 David Howe Do you. 06:08.60 alifeinruins Um, and so but we do have like northern style and stuff like that. But it's just like a fun time just to be to be pawny for a weekend and be around everyone. It's just a good time and like camp ho was always fun fucking nat. Set up his tpe it. It was funny because you can tell why he did it like he set up his tepee right in this shaded part of a tree but next to the tree was this huge lamp post and like the first time I saw it the the lamp post just empties completely into his tp flat and I was making fun for it. He's like he hardly got any sleep because the whole thing was just lit. 06:25.37 David Howe So. 06:43.28 alifeinruins From the inside but like even the campsites they have water and power so like there is the camp next door. They had 2 rotating fans in the center of a circle so they could all get blasted with ah with Ac it was just it was just a fun funny time and it's hard. Ah, it's like fun being able to go in those places and. Was asking family like you. It's ever brought friends or like dates to homecoming and like most of them are like no usually you have to be married I'm like is it against protocol. They're like no, it's just like I don't want my family to fucking. Like tease the fuck out of anyone I bring you know what? I mean like they they want to be my friends or girlfriend again if they after they like a weekend with the family is everyone's just hyped up. You know? um. 07:27.26 Captain Sad Yeah, did you ask about? ah fellow podcasts co-hosts is that a. 07:32.72 alifeinruins my ah, my ah my uncle is asking about about you 2 and that was too is like are always like are David and Connor here and I'm like no I let them sit out like I need to I need to be back first and then scope out the land and then next year because I imagine like as I kept thinking I'm like you know, be cool like I really wish I'd brought my um. Stone toolkit because that would have been a perfect time, especially just sitting with everybody and because we're all just visiting like to sit down and make stone tools that would have probably gone a huge way. Um to do that and people were just asking. You know what catching up? um. 07:50.60 Captain Sad Ooh. 07:53.30 David Howe How. 08:05.70 alifeinruins Now like a bunch of more of my family are starting to get ph ds so it got we got into like a weird academic space at 1 point talking about like indigenous ontologies and teaching was just like dude I don't want to talk about this right now like I just I don't want to talk about academia at this. 08:16.26 David Howe Yeah. 08:20.17 Captain Sad You want to take like us take a step back, especially with all all your your last couple years which has been turbulent at at best. 08:23.11 alifeinruins At this moment. Yeah yeah, but it was good. There's only a couple tribes and I think about like there's a pottawatomy one and you have to be pottawatomy like they check like you have to have a CIb Or you have to show proof that you're related to someone with a cib to get in like they do the fraternity who do you know here thing a certificate of Indian blood the Indian card like you have to show enrollment or a descendency to be able to get In. Um, but generally those things are just open to the Public. Um. 08:44.22 David Howe CI v okay. 09:00.26 alifeinruins But the dances are really fun I mean it's not just traditional stuff like there's the 2 step where all the guys are out there and then women basically choose their dance partner. Um I did and I felt so bad because like what had happened was there's there's. 09:06.98 Captain Sad Did you get picked who. 09:16.89 alifeinruins But it happened like there's a friend of mine from the museum board. She's on it and we were just we were just chatting and um, but I was over by her by her family's section and I just kind of like she's like was everything okay with your family and I looked over and everybody had their eyes on me and I started getting text like who you talking to I was like oh fuck. And then um and then I just started I just started seeing make them jokes and then immediately it's like the twostep came up. She's like oh the 2 steps on I was like and I'm gonna go get a lemonade and just fucking booked it and just like got out of there and then when I was getting a lemonade I met some folks from. Colorado that I used to work with and we were all just kind of chatting and I felt so bad I was like texting her I was like I'm so sorry like I went to the bla bla blah bla blah blah and then went back and for the rest of the fucking weekend. That's all I heard was just like who's your friend like first where's your friend Atley why were you late were youvisiting your friend I'm like calm the fuck now. 10:04.30 Captain Sad God That's such a that's like a such a family thing to do every time, especially when you're single. It's like who's that girl who were you talking to? It's like I I was talking to a female that that that that happened. 10:15.31 alifeinruins Yeah, but then but you know that happens but then like that's how a couple of my cousins met their first wife or that's who's their mom type of shit. You know what I means like it's it's coming. But after the powow and this is something they learned completely new this year. 10:21.29 Captain Sad O. 10:31.24 alifeinruins Everyone kept talking about the 49 they can go to the is there 49 this year like who's going to go to the forty nine I was like what the fuck is a 49 they're like oh you don't know do you and I was like what is it so forty nine is in reference to these 49 apaches or something. There was like 300 of them that went on the war trail and only forty nine came back. And it came back. They sang these like horror songs and like love so and and stuff like that but nowadays a 49 is what all the deviants do after a powow where they you basically pick a place and they bring a drum and they see like love songs and everyone gets drunk and drinks and usually gets busted up by the police later that night. 11:06.74 Captain Sad Oof. 11:07.58 alifeinruins Which is a whole part of po culture I had never heard of like because I was too little when I was a kid to know what a 49 was but everyone kept talking about I kept hearing like 49 stories of different years and places that it was held and like usually the fights that happened there or the girls that got caught the people got got cheating or. Cool stuff but it was like really weird like because I was thinking as an anthropologist it was like this is based on a historical event in which the songs were song to commemorate these 49 out of 300 coming back and now we've turned it into something widely different to what it used to be. 11:37.91 Captain Sad A drunk bash. Ah. 11:41.87 alifeinruins It's like you can go out afterwards and drink and smoke and just sing like those ridiculous like the modern day Powow songs where they're like have the love stories and stuff in them that aren't that are in English not in not in Indian Um, but this year they didn't have any they had a sober one. At the at the grounds which were like okay, a sober 49 fuck. So like we all just went back to camp and we're like well we'll just pregame the sober forty nine and by and like by the time we got up there like 10 minutes later is already Over. We're like what the fuck so it's just like huh. Um. 12:09.79 Captain Sad That sounds like a sober gathering. 12:14.55 alifeinruins Yeah, and they literally no one really showed up. It's like yeah because we all went to pregame the sober forty nine like you had it immediately after the Powow we all had to go and take a couple shots to come back to this you guys just didn't wait long enough but it was cool. You know I'd like to have you guys come out. Um. 12:28.38 David Howe Ah. 12:34.29 alifeinruins Maybe next year the year after because it's just like a fun 4 days and um, a lot of food. It's a lot of fun. A lot of stories are told and that's really a lot of people start talking about some of the older stuff. Um, that had happened. Or especially like younger kids are then asking their grandparents or great-grandparents history and family facts and that's where a lot of that transfer of knowledge is occurring is at these camps because these camps aren't like single- family units of mom dad their kids like a camp is the entire extended family. 12:59.91 David Howe Here. 13:02.78 alifeinruins Like my camp was my great uncle and my great- Aunt's kids their kids and like so there's all of us are in 1 spot like everyone with the last name gover or used to have the last name gover is in 1 place at this campground um all catching up. Yeah, and that's how all the other families are. 13:15.74 Captain Sad That's wild. 13:20.70 alifeinruins You know so you go to these camps and there's like several dozen people that know each other. Um, yeah, it's like this aggregation. It's it's ah it's ah it's a murder of govers or whatever it is um and yeah, there's then they're a fun time and it's part of um, like especially in Oklahoma culture. There's the powow. 13:22.69 David Howe So it's an aggregation. 13:31.66 David Howe A parliament. 13:39.83 alifeinruins Summers where you could go as like a professional if you wanted to live as a powow dancer you could do it all summer in Oklahoma because every weekend there's a powow somewhere you know and you could just go dance at all these different powows and and make it and like a lot of high school kids do it? Um I've always wanted to see an apache crown dance those look super cool. 13:58.30 Captain Sad Um, rather. 13:58.75 alifeinruins Never seen one before that's the 1 they have the huge headdresses with like the sticks and stuff um because like Oklahoma iss that weird place for like ah tribes from the East Coast to the west coast like there's some like California tribes that ended up in Oklahoma. So you you get? basically. If you wanted a ah a charouttery board of powow culture go to Oklahoma because you could see all these different charcotery board of powow culture and then you know there's a lot of non-indianss there too like there are um, hobbyists is what they're called hobbyists will show up. 14:18.97 Captain Sad Well, that's the name of the episode. 14:20.20 David Howe And. 14:32.31 Captain Sad Powow Hobbyist is that that's high. 14:34.41 alifeinruins Powow Hobbyists It's a thing where people do it as a hobby and they like usually have the best stuff. The Germans are huge pow Wow Hobbyists they have like a really weird like fetish with Native Americans Um, they go. 14:47.98 Captain Sad That's wild. 14:50.10 alifeinruins Go super hard but like I didn't sing I was like looking around. There's a lot of Jewelers and silversmiths. Not no one was flint napping and like we had been talking especially with David recently about flint napping. There wasn't a single I didn't see anyone working stone. 14:59.13 David Howe Check my last video on my Youtube yeah, that's interesting dude because that that's something I noticed just not a single indigenous someone was like my daddy is checked tall and I was like I doubt it. 15:15.44 Captain Sad Yeah. 15:16.15 alifeinruins Ah, yeah, I'm I'm saying you bring in the ethnociology bus and let's pull out some stones and just start working working stuff. 15:19.85 David Howe Yeah man I would just love to hear about dogs and stuff from those people too if they wouldn't mind but I do like again like like I pointed out in that video though I do feel weird going to a very indigenous event just being like hey remember this thing you used to do that was your way of life watch this white dude do it. But I'm Jewish and then. 15:37.32 Captain Sad Yeah, you get away with it more than I do. 15:39.41 David Howe You know where that leads I'm part of its right? The wouldn't go over Well I'm not an asshole. Yes, yeah. 15:47.69 alifeinruins Yeah, but you're not like because the because I've seen it at poows won't no, you're not no I've seen I you're not the person that's like I'm saving your culture. You're Justicip you know like Dave it's not that kind of guy that shows up like if it wasn't for me, you'd have lost this knowledge. It's like fuck you dude Dave it's not that guy. 15:50.30 Captain Sad Yeah. 15:55.86 David Howe Yeah. 16:05.76 alifeinruins But everyone was kind of asking about that kind of stuff. Especially recently that ah you know pawning history back on the day and how things were set up and people were asking about stone tools and they're like so what kind of arrowhead did we use was it different I'm like no well, it's a thing called plain side notch and you find it from Alberta down to Texas. It's kind of like the ubiquitous. This is the mastery of arrowhead technology right here. This is what we all used. Um, yeah. 16:24.73 Captain Sad Yeah, you can get that in the west too. Yeah I mean the desert would at the desert try notch. The only other thing is they add a little little thing in the bottom. But yeah, that stuff exists basically across the whole us at that time. 16:25.65 David Howe Old faithful. 16:37.10 David Howe Just imagine like a Steve's jobs panie and he's like all right? So you had this one. We added another notch now the software in this one is outdated and you're gonna have to buy the try notch. Oh yeah, and he hates his employees. 16:38.38 alifeinruins Oh death. Yeah. 16:51.59 Captain Sad He's wearing a that turtleneck too and everything a bucks stick I Want a buckskin turtleneck Please it. It'll probably I'll probably die of heat exhaustion. But I still want. 16:55.70 alifeinruins Eternally I have just a boxed turtleneck who. 16:56.25 David Howe I. 17:03.57 alifeinruins Yeah, it was it was yeah was a whole. It was just fun to be around because like usually the past couple of years of powows their inner tribals warm up in shoshone land but it was cool just to see the all the Pawnee Swag and whatever everyone's doing and you guys have seen that I showed you that picture where I got that new um ribbon shirt in the. 17:19.15 David Howe Yeah. 17:22.23 alifeinruins So are danging off the edge I showed that to my sisters and they fucking lost. It was like where's your ribbon shirt I'm like so funny thing and like showed them the photo and they're like holy shit what the fuck happened and I was just like they didn't understand the measurements so they give it to us all we'll fix it for you I was like thank you. 17:32.68 David Howe Um. 17:32.83 Captain Sad Yeah. 17:35.47 David Howe Ah, rough. 17:38.79 Captain Sad On that note. 17:41.94 alifeinruins Because it's supposed to be those ribbonards are are supposed to be a blouse they're based off of a French blouse. That's why they're longer in certain parts. So. 17:47.40 David Howe Um, ah one time we got I mean this is relevantvant but I had to order suit for a friend's wedding like rent 1 and the shirt measurements were so far off that the shirt came down to like past my knees. 17:48.41 Captain Sad Ah Huh I did not know that. 18:03.28 David Howe And the company was like can you send a photo and let us know what's wrong with it and I just held my like hands out and it was like down to my feet and I said yes you sent me a shirt from the nation of Islam but. 18:12.83 alifeinruins Its like gimlet with the chain mail. It's a little chiter around the chest it drops book. 18:14.96 David Howe Literally it just like how do you fuck the measure run up that bad possibly or was Sam's I here I think it was your wedding. Yeah cause all the shirt project. 18:19.50 Captain Sad Ah, was this my wedding. 18:25.18 Captain Sad Yeah, yours was also yeah, yours is also messed up and Michael blew through his pants and on that note ah we are gonna end this segment and we will be right back with episode 1 64 of a life and runs podcast. 18:32.37 alifeinruins Oh that's minute.