00:00.41 alifeinruins And welcome back to episode 1 63 so getting to this article. Um, they document evidence of like legit cannibalism in western europe so Spain Portugal France you know, basically the big players in world War two minus the soviets. Um. 00:18.19 Captain Sad That's you got Croatian there they were minor they they weren't They weren't a big one in there. But yeah, yeah, probably okay. 00:22.59 alifeinruins Weren't they yugoslavia at that time. Yeah I think so so they talk about I mean it does a really good case by case of like how long is this ship been going on and like granted, we're talking about over the course of like thousands of years and they're looking at like 16 sites. But then again, paleo anthropology doesn't have that many samples to begin with anyways. Um, so early pleistocene we got that grand doina they're caught enough kids and eating them. You know like going back to that bare analogy like kid 3 were between 10 and fifteen. They they're eating children. 00:50.96 Captain Sad It A yeah. Ah. 00:55.94 alifeinruins Um, and these are homemo ancessors. So there's 11 individuals and it's it's not great. Um. 00:59.97 Captain Sad Also a suggested intergroup violence so that would be an ah an example of exo cannibalism. So that's they're eating. They're eating their neighbors kids. 01:08.96 alifeinruins Yeah, like so over 44.5 percent exhibited some type of anropogenic modification like being cut or bone breakage and like this is the big one they're like cutting they're breaking open long bones and like sucking out merow like they're eating each other like they're they're they're going hard. 01:14.61 Captain Sad Ah. 01:21.45 Captain Sad Who. 01:27.10 alifeinruins Numerous human teeth marks they're they're eating each other and it just keeps people wanted them dead and then in their stomachs very quickly so who the hell knows. 01:29.40 Captain Sad They were scalp too which is fucking wild and. 01:40.59 Captain Sad Ah, Jesus Christ I did not expect that to go that hard. 01:41.87 alifeinruins It's It's not good. Yeah, they home of whatever Homo ancestor is which I don't know what the fuck that is even word that even falls on the tree. Um. 01:52.88 Captain Sad We're not going to try to define it either look it up because if we we can't We just can't. 01:59.85 alifeinruins Ah, yeah, so home went to seturn and a couple sites across like France and Spain they're they're eating each other and then we're moving to like neanderthals really quickly. Um, so there's evidence of cannibalism dating from approximately 130 to forty thousand kwa so yeah I forget everything's said the first 2 segments. Okay at a topic rather late. It's like apparently they were always fucking doing this I was absolutely wrong. Um, and the clearest example of cannibalism is found at Mula Garcy france Cueva Del Sidron um and crap. 02:32.40 Captain Sad Crap Crap Crappina comes in there too. Yeah. 02:34.77 alifeinruins And Croatia and that one has controversy and it's documented a number of other places but at these sides human remains are scarce and some bones show cut marks and green fractures. Those are the basic of a green fracture is is. You're breaking them when they're fresh. So like they're trying to extract bone marrow. That's that's what that evidence is um but it it gets it gets weird. It's like 1 of those things where is this linked to ah a funerary practice. That's where like this whole thing kind of keeps coming back to play. It's like without us watching them eat each other or with the evidence of like the might the Dna and like. 02:57.10 Captain Sad Yeah. 03:12.52 alifeinruins Fecal matter that shows like no, there's there's human proteins other than the digestive track like there's just human flesh in that shit literally. Um, it's like what are we seeing here because like we can't. 03:17.87 Captain Sad Yeah. 03:27.12 alifeinruins You know, affirmatively say like this isn't a burial practice of some sort. 03:30.76 Captain Sad Yeah, well I think it's interesting at the the Mullah Gercy stuff they're they're treating the hominin and deer carcasses the same way that's fucking wild to me. Yeah, like I mean. 03:40.70 alifeinruins Yeah, exactly. 03:47.80 Captain Sad I Guess if it if if youre understanding of of like a human and like you're not thinking about them as cannibalism. You're just thinking about it as another food to eat. Um in in this area that you're butchering in the same which is which is really interesting because that that means there's no it doesn't really signal any distinction between other folks. 04:06.86 alifeinruins And animals. Yeah, exactly it's like oh they're they're doing the exact same thing that they're doing to their prey species like just fuck. That's probably cannibal like oh theyre these are you know they're they their butcher that long Pig That's what they're doing. 04:07.76 Captain Sad And and and animals essentially. 04:13.12 Captain Sad Yeah, Yikes yeah. 04:24.23 Captain Sad Um, yeah, yeah, what was it called when they put it in the stew wasn't there like a oh my God I'll figure it out. But yeah I mean they're long. Oh because I in general. Okay. 04:30.68 alifeinruins I think it's just called long pig I mean in cup in general I think in comparate to the caribbean like when they're talking about that's I think we talked about this other the show before they call it long pork and if you're listening is like or did this is a second movie and they're talking to some guy as like oh I saw that ship at this island they have the. Best long pork he's ever eaten and like the guy's like yeah, he's like say there's fucking cannibals there. But like if you don't know that term it's just like oh he's eating a kind of like pork jerky cool like no. 04:47.67 Captain Sad Oh okay. 04:59.44 alifeinruins Um, I've read this really fucked up creepy pasta about going to hell and Guy Fieri's there and he's having eat long pork and you turn down. He's like taking cuts off your legs and feeding it to you Anyways, that's how I learned to the term. How do you life that long pig. Um. 05:08.35 Captain Sad Be in the show notes link to that. 05:18.49 alifeinruins And then we start So. Ah, yeah, that's fascinating. They're treating. They're treating their relatives or friends or whoever like they are dear like it's the exact process and that's what you'd be doing if you were eating your relatives. You know what? you know? what? you're doing.. There's a certain you can only I mean there's a couple ways to skin a cat. But like there's only those couple ways to gonna catch same for people like there's there's only so much you can do like if you're trying to be you know trying to do yeah only so many ways it's gonna human that's a great Decit. Um. 05:47.50 Captain Sad There's so many so many ways to skin a human is the name of this episode. Um, so but moving on we do see it also in anatomically modern humans in upper paleolithic also into the bronze age. Um, so they did find that or they estimated that 40% of french magdalanian remain showed signs of butchery and only five percent were found in intentional burials. So that's like scavenging right? You're not you're not putting them in there or you're not defleshing them putting in there. 06:18.23 alifeinruins Staff. 06:24.90 Captain Sad And bury him you're you're scavenging or I guess not burying them I mean I Guess that's yeah, that gets into the weeds again same sort of thing. 06:28.97 alifeinruins There um, there's a group of people in India that do this I saw them on the wild boys. So now that I'm saying that out loud I don't know if it's necessarily factual, but it's a group of people. Um, they rather you know how like hindus are always trying to do like get get into heaven by doing all the good shit they can their ideas are well if they do all the bad shit. They think if they do all the bad shit in the world so they like Rob graves and eat human flesh. Um, they practice this. 1 of them tried to eat way man like on television. It was fucking hilarious. 07:08.37 Captain Sad So they're just like ah they're trying to get all the the sins out of them quick and then they'll just live pure lives later in heaven or whatever that is yeah. 07:13.41 alifeinruins I I think so yes, the angory a small group of ascetics sh sad who's they engage in poor more post-mortem rituals they often dwell on carnal ground smear cremation ashes on their bodies and indians buds from human corpus for cros and Coppoas and Julie um. So yeah, they they legit. They're legit. They do this. 07:37.51 Captain Sad Yeah, and this is we're gonna actually change the name of this podcast to how to pronounce everything because we are just so so good. Ah. 07:41.82 alifeinruins So won't go about this but it practiced it and then also I don't mean to go on a rant but and talks about modern day cannibalism as a research for this a couple years ago when I was in my introduction archeology class there. We were talked about how there is this like you know. Human meat made out of um, it's like fake human meat and it was made out of plant based proteins and and I don't know how they' got the texture and taste right? I'm never eating humans. So I don't know and I've always been bued like that'd be kind of cool to try but recently last year as part of a halloween promo on 22 a group out of. Sweden came up with this. This is from their commercial. 09:08.74 alifeinruins I want it I want it so bad I just you know as I and what's funny enough is like an hour before the podcast I um Lana was the one that had the bobs burgers recipe book. 09:09.88 Captain Sad I'm scared I'm I am scared. Ah. 09:20.65 alifeinruins And I've been craving like 1 of those Bob's burgers so I ordered the book and like that first recipe is based on the first episode where it's like the human meat one. So I'm going to find these godamn human meat plant patties and I'm gonna make that godd damn burger like cookie. Oh Jesus cooking with Carlton drink. 09:31.91 Captain Sad You should film it do a carlton cooks cooking with Carlton. 09:38.88 alifeinruins Cooking with Carlton ah I forgot about this, you can't remember the last time I did a cooking with Carlton. 09:43.58 Captain Sad See I feel like this is like a gateway drug though you start eating like plant based human Flesh. You're like oh this is good. This tastes like and then you like you kind of crave it and then you're like Okay, what's what's the real thing taste like though. You got it. You want to take that next step. 10:00.33 alifeinruins That just join the Ukrainian liberation force and just start like every time I kill a Russian building. How's that let's get Yeah, let's get let's get that backstrap off him see how that tastes like no one will tow. We'll just throw him in a mass grave later. 10:08.62 Captain Sad It looks ah it looks pretty fresh there. 10:18.48 alifeinruins And I'll report back I'll be like real careful with all my archeological knowledge to like make sure it like looks like it's a defleshing practice or even better just like just cut off this surface. Not even get the bone like no one will know I'm cutting people up. 10:19.11 Captain Sad Jesus Christ Jesus Christ 10:29.69 Captain Sad You would just put them in this see. That's what you have to do that's we have to do it's there should be no marks on the bone if you hit the bone you've gone too far and also. 10:38.95 alifeinruins Though. Yeah, just roast the whole person. We could just oven bake them like the Hawaiians and the pig like I could just oven bake them and the meat will fall off. There's no bone and then just yeah mass grave So oh dude even even mom. 10:52.59 Captain Sad Sky burial too. 10:58.17 alifeinruins I mean what am I the bird am I gonna like Peck at it I mean I want that process it I don't want to need after the now that that's all too that's too extreme let me just start with the plant based burger and then we'll go from there. 11:04.51 Captain Sad Ah, wait, you're not going to eat Raw Human flesh. What do you come on and. 11:10.82 Captain Sad Tell me it's a fucking gateway drug. Why do you put the? why do you humans? do this like we are the only species that artificially created our own meat to feed to ourselves because we didn't want actually eat ourselves. It is fucking ridiculous What the fuck. 11:25.30 alifeinruins Ah, but apparently I court this article Caughtter. It's genetic. We werere predisposed to want to eat ourselves. So it's only naturally come up with a plant based alternative so we don't actually commit the sin of not cannibalism remember because we did the definitions of the beginning cannibalism is culturally approved. We don't want to do anthro pophagegie which is not approved. Ah so yeah, I'll do the plantbased human burger. 11:50.74 Captain Sad This Ah, this only confirms to me that Vegans are the worst people on the whole planet. 11:56.10 alifeinruins Or vegetarians. Yeah, my guess weren't you vegan for a bit I bet I felt so bad for you. 11:57.75 Captain Sad Chris yeah, they also. 12:04.26 Captain Sad Or sucked it was it was abuse that was actually good. Okay, not all vegans are bad but it is hilarious to me that vegans did create the first human meat. 12:17.00 alifeinruins Yeah I like into moderation like I'd like going veggie days but like I do I do like my meat every now and then I need that protein like that's and the omega three s like I Just don't want to go crazy just by eating plants. 12:20.36 Captain Sad Oh yeah. 12:27.38 Captain Sad You ask? The only thing they could never really replicate like they could do kind of meat substitutes which are okay, they obviously don't have like the omega three s or or the um, the amount of protein that you get out of red meat but they could never. 12:44.46 alifeinruins God no. 12:44.56 Captain Sad Replicate cheese in a way like they could never. They could never ever put cheese make vegan cheese good enough as the regular stuff like there's it's just not possible it. It hasn't happened. 12:54.90 alifeinruins Not I Really like those meatless crumbles my morning star those in the black man patties go to love those the chicken ones are weirded. It's just like yeah I'd rather get the soy crumbles like I can I can fake that pretty well like that's that's good. 12:59.79 Captain Sad Yeah, absolutely. 13:08.88 Captain Sad And I get I can fuck with a Beyond meat burger ever every once in a while I mean they're not terrible. But I mean which we'll have to i' have to talk to my future brother in law I don't know he works for one of those companies that does it with mushrooms specifically. 13:26.55 alifeinruins Oh yeah. 13:28.57 Captain Sad So like the the tofu based stuff and the soy basede stuff is is just just terrible for you but his company is doing it out of mushrooms which is something that is more less bad for you in general I Just think I like high soy and high tofu like diets are just dog shit and not really good for you. 13:44.63 alifeinruins Fair enough I thought you're your sister still not married because they got engaged like a year or two ago right oh sweet congrats to her. 13:48.17 Captain Sad Yeah, should get married in October. So yeah, it's gonna be a wild one. 13:58.90 alifeinruins We got really off on a tangent. Um, but what 1 minute I know 14:04.91 Captain Sad Ah I kind of I kind of leave these these like third segments of these episodes just like go the rabbit hole that we go down is like something ridiculous. 14:12.26 alifeinruins See I I like it for the third segment but like because when you guys should to have me listen to history of hyenas this was like 2 minutes in you know like I couldn they they're always off topic like getting this kong was wild like it was wild that that fucking sandwich I had down the corner and it's like it's fucking gone. I was like what the fuck is this show like hey is Kong was wild like all right anyways, but we leave it for the third segment where we go off on random tangents about soy products. Um. 14:40.44 Captain Sad Yeah I think I think we could we can end our discussion there um do look up these articles that we're gonna drop in the show notes. Um, if you have questions about cannibalism. Um, ask Carlton because he might be 1 soon who'll get you. The. 14:55.16 alifeinruins I'll be an anthro pophageist. 14:56.91 Captain Sad But for ages yeah pophages. So yeah, thank you so much for listening to us once again like rate review. Whatever they say on those big podcasts that actually make money please do those things. 15:13.55 alifeinruins Yeah, please do those things written review the comment podcast. Yeah um, if you're listening to us on the all shows feed. We greatly appreciate it. But you know same as always click the subscribe button to our individual show. That's how we get the numbers. That's how we get sponsors and. 15:28.25 alifeinruins People that want to promote on our show. Our numbers are doing well everybody you know? Thank you everyone who for all the love and support. You've given us. We'd really love the emails. We'll get back to them when we can. Ah. 15:37.28 Captain Sad Yeah, um, yeah, and they've been but and they've been great and supportive and asking good questions. So yeah, thank you, Thank you all for doing that We we enjoy the shit out of it. 15:49.76 alifeinruins So but our catholics cannibals not just catholics christians because like I'm as I'm almost finished with this bottle of wine. Um wine is the blood of Christ so is that like. 15:54.92 Captain Sad Ah. 16:00.26 Captain Sad And the bread is the body. 16:03.66 alifeinruins And the bread is the body. So is that a form of like ritual is that still like a form of ritual cannibalism like that's the whole point right. 16:07.29 Captain Sad Okay, the bigger question is does eat drinking blood count as cannibalism or is it flesh derived. 16:16.22 alifeinruins On um is drinking blood candles I think it is. 16:17.81 Captain Sad Because I to see flesh everywhere in like the description like is Dracula or what's his face vladly and paler. 16:29.63 alifeinruins Ah, yes, will hold on people are upset about this drinking your own blood is considered cannibalism. 16:43.79 alifeinruins Ah, but then if you drink someone's urine is that cannibal Now that's a waste product. Oh look at this is communion cannibalism. Ah. 16:51.84 Captain Sad Well blood could be a waste product to say that. Ah. 17:01.16 alifeinruins Ah, if we took these references literally it looks like cadnibal. It's actually christians in other days of the church were aused of cannibals because they heard about christians eating Christ's body drinking his blood but it wasn't legal at that time not until constantine. 17:16.76 alifeinruins But they says that the the doctor in in theology says it's not cannibalism. It's being properly connected to Christ I don't know you're eating the dude I the ju is very still out on that very is still out. Um, yeah, all the good stuff right review the podcast really appreciate the ratings and which you guys think of the show. Um. 17:26.72 Captain Sad A. 17:36.72 alifeinruins Yeah, let us know if there's other topics. We got 1 lined up someone was curious send us topics and not necessarily people. We're kind of getting away from the interview thing to be honest, um, it's gotten kind of it things have changed like we're not all like grad students anymore like we've tried. There's some people I want to interview and like your professor now. It's like the dynamics changing everybody. 17:53.67 Captain Sad Yeah. 17:55.99 alifeinruins So give us topics that we can bring people on rather than these strict interviews. Um. 17:58.49 Captain Sad Yeah, I'm not saying we're canceling those interviews but we're just gonna do them less less often more probably people we are closer to it's it works better that way. 18:10.14 alifeinruins Yeah, this all what you guys asked or has told us to stop doing those so much. Anyways, we're like we're still gonna do them but fuck it dude I'm out. Ah yeah, and we'll be sweet and we're out and we're back. Ah. 18:13.11 Captain Sad 6 Yeah. 18:26.34 alifeinruins Connor what is your joke for me today. 18:29.00 Captain Sad Ah, man this one's good. My buddy crashed the car while listening to Adele. He was rolling in the jeep. 18:35.20 alifeinruins God Damn it God Damn it that would been that was all right with that. We're truly out.