00:00.00 alifeinruins And welcome back to episode one fifty two of life runs podcast I am still here with Alex and Mason and we were getting into the second half of the lore and and we're almost on through the lore but this is the the critical part and this is the great crusade in which the god emperor of mankind leads like unifies earth. And leads humanity back into the stars to reclaim its lost. Territory mars is is like the the big number 2 um, they basically become like a super production facility with you know, human hybrid robots. They're great. Um, and the emperor is doing 2 things 1 reconnecting the galaxy. Um, but also 2 trying to find his lost sons the Primarks and these are essentially demigods and out of the demigods gene seed or Dna he creates the space marine legions so each there's twenty pri marks there are 20 space marine legions and the pri marks are made out of different aspects of the god emperor's Dna and also a different eternal's Dna. The pri marks have a mom I forget her name. Um and they have different aspects of him so they're all like 20 pieces of a hole and each of the space marine legions are piece of their pri martint father. So they have. different attributes and they have and the space Mars aren't just roited up people. They have different organs. They have a different biology like to become a space marine. It's like the halo the spartan two program from halo on black tar heroin. It is on a whole different level of how they've made these people. Um. 01:22.90 Craibo Gi It's like limitless they gave him a bunch of that drug to unleash their brains and they just became super smart. 01:31.82 alifeinruins Multiple hearts new organs like you know, just look into the lord the all. Yeah, this is all on Youtube like if you get interested in this. You could go down a Youtube rabbit hole and you can learn all of this. Um and the first. 01:34.40 Mason An extra long or 2 01:37.90 Craibo Um, so. 01:47.70 alifeinruins Primary Mark that gets recovered is um, the no he's primemark number 1 but the first recovered is is horace luer. No, it's well oh shit, that's right davids. 01:53.15 Craibo Um, the wire and. 01:55.82 Craibo The first for cup. Well, it's other oak or out or or al fair or Alberia. 01:57.17 Mason Um, Al Farius are. 02:05.65 alifeinruins The first the first official is like Horace lurical of the space woves but technically there's 21 pri marks because the alpha legion which is the twentieth legion. They're actually twins al fairius and ah omeon and it turns out that probably one of them never got lost. 02:14.90 Craibo Um, yeah, there is. 02:23.41 alifeinruins And was with the emperor in secret. They're basically like the emperor's Cia and they're just like no one knows they exist for like ever and apparently one of them is fine yet. That's a whole thank you Asin for that reminder. But the first official that everyone knows about. 02:39.94 Mason Um. 02:41.90 alifeinruins Horace Lurical who's extremely important later. He has the most time with the emperor and he also helps find his recovered brothers. Um, yeah, the best boy. Um and he is um, excuse me the prime Mark of the fuck. What are they called. 02:48.40 Mason He's the emperor's best boy. 02:58.62 Craibo Um, the Luna wolves 8 02:59.73 Mason Yeah, the min wolves. 03:01.20 alifeinruins Which which number are they yeah the Lunna wolves of the sixteenth legion and then like they all get renamed when they find their prime Mark their primark basically like renames the the legions so they were the Luna wolves or they are the lunar wolves. Yeah before that there was something. Ah. 03:15.11 Craibo That they were the no there was yeah that was that chapter more. 03:15.79 Mason That that they come the sons of Horse later. 03:19.19 alifeinruins It's a whole fucking thing. Yeah and then their home that again. Crabe. 03:27.19 Craibo Ah, they become the sons of Horse after uinor. 03:30.12 alifeinruins That's true. Um, and so all the space marines are basically they come from terra. But as they find their prime Mark in the primark's home world that becomes the new recruiting ground for that legion. So once Horace is reunited with the emperor all the new Lunna wolves um that come from. 03:30.50 Mason Um, and. 03:48.13 alifeinruins ah ah catonia and so and they all kind of get found. We don't need to go through the list of who gets found when but open to this. There are two lost legions and 2 lost Primarks we know nothing about what happened to them but something big enough or they erased from. 03:49.88 Craibo Cathony. 04:06.39 alifeinruins Imperiums everything they basically like they wipe them from existence and even went as far to like wipe their memories from their brother's brains. They know they existed but they don't know what happened they forgot like it was basically they were totally expunged part of this is like it's fun. Second is like when you make your space marine legion. You can be like oh they're the part of the lost legion right? So there's like kind of a marketing aspect to it. Um, but as the dawn of ah as as the universe is almost fully unified. Um, ah, it's like towards the end and mind you that the technology being used in the great crusade is nowhere near the advanced technology that was used in. Um. 04:58.90 alifeinruins The age of technology like it's still not to that level like the ships that we have are basically space cathedrals like it's very different. It's very gothic. It's very um, what's the word for it. Ah, it's in perfect. 05:01.95 Craibo It It is all. 05:12.43 Craibo Well, that's but that's kind of the whole point of it right? is that that just like how the medieval world was kind of looking back on Roman Ruins going. Oh my God The world was amazing during Roman times we're living in the dark ages of. 05:15.55 alifeinruins Future. There's a word for it right. 05:32.11 Craibo Future looking back on these wonderful times that existed prior to us they grim dark I think is what year're after. But yeah, the the whole idea is that we are living in the modern or the futuristic. Middle ages where we've lost so much and we're surrounded by all these great things and we don't understand it. But it's here. 05:57.28 alifeinruins Yeah, trying to recover lost technology lost human societies and not many worlds went in peacefully because they're like we don't want to bow down to this space emperor. We don't care and also like. A very important aspect of this is the background. What's happened with chaos the emperor bans all religion like he's like we're not doing this because he knows religion feeds the chaos gods and he's like hiding their existence from from the universe. He's like doing his best doesn't tell his sons about chaos the dangers of the chaos gods. He's actively trying to reclaim the entire universe get rid of all religion and like fingers crossed it kills the the chaos gods because he knows how fucking bad news they are um, but with this comes ah we get all the Primarks back summer better than others. In terms of like their mental state. They all have their own little niche and and then while this is going on the emperor with his fleets across this of the world like some of these legions they're like tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands space marine strong which is. Which is supplementing the astromiitarum which is the space army millions of people and and like tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of spacefaing vessels like going across the stars. 07:14.21 Craibo Millions Millions of human beings. 07:23.60 alifeinruins Emperor puts remembrances with a lot of these fleets and these are artists historians like basically people of the liberal arts like all the liberal arts majors that can't get jobs today. They get sent touch shifts and spread across the galaxy to record everything? yeah. 07:30.27 Mason Um, and then. 07:35.00 Mason They get a lot of jobs during this time. 07:37.34 Craibo More They all get more correspondence. Yeah, that. 07:41.73 alifeinruins Yeah, basically yeah, so they're trying to record everything and then also the cultures are coming into and they're like reestablishing these lost human worlds back into the imperium and it's like but then we get the horace heresy he wants to take a crack at explaining how Horace falls to chaos. Because do what to we don't we don't need to go into the the lodges or or the the the demon sword um Mason you look like you're you're jumping at the bit to talk about Horace's fall to the to chaos. 08:01.78 Craibo Um, oh God So no. 08:10.84 Craibo The main degree is all. 08:19.75 Mason I'm just sure remember trying to figure it out. How to say this the short quickest way possible. Ah oh man. 08:30.70 alifeinruins Well like I guess a real quick way is like 1 of the pri marks um fuck what is his name um lagar fuck arabus lagar. 08:39.40 Mason Voice lagar and what's his name Airbus Fuck Airvis Um, so. 08:39.70 Craibo Lagar arabic arabic or is the chaplain of the word bear's legion whose Pri Mark is lagar. 08:46.41 alifeinruins He is. 08:49.93 Mason Right? So I'm gonna say something if I'm wrong my bad. Basically what I recall is Horse had horse and his legion go hang out on a planet and they're trying to take it over and all of a sudden. There's. 08:50.21 alifeinruins Yes. 09:00.31 alifeinruins We. 09:06.22 alifeinruins So. 09:06.86 Mason Bunch of weird chaos stuff happening. There's a bunch of weird little dain is the name of the planet which is a great name by the way Davevin just has good verbage. Do it and I'm fucking Davin anyway, um so Horace goes hangs out trying to take over this place and he gets hurt. 09:12.89 alifeinruins Yep. 09:15.79 Craibo Damn it davin. 09:26.92 Mason Which is surprising because you know he's a fucking pri hard and anyway he gets cut and we're gonna skip a couple of little steps but a long story short. The only way to heal him. He ones up getting taken into this lodge. Um, to. 09:45.84 Mason But you take care of and turns out that there are a bunch of cultists and start kind of getting him into the chaos lifestyle and he realizes that he's super here for it and long story is short. He jumps chaos and starts rebeling in Stamford. 10:01.21 alifeinruins He yes and the people that convert him. Yeah, and the people that convert him are primarily from the seventeenth legion under largar his real quick backstory is he worshipped the emperor as of god and every world he brought into compliance converted them to basically a religion of the emperor. 10:04.10 Mason Is that good for. 10:19.91 alifeinruins Which comes up later the emperor's like I fucking told you we don't do religion sent in the ultramarines. The the thirteenth legion and genocides the home world and says Lord Guard we're not a fucking god like stop it during his ah basically his sad boy phase his chaplain arabis is like. Oh I do know of gods they do exist and like brings laurgar into chaos. How arabis finds up with the chaos gods. There's a whole book about it so they kind of set the stage to turn horace basically and that's how this starts Horace gets tainted by chaos and. 10:51.64 Mason Um. 10:56.68 alifeinruins Turns against the emperor secretly turns half of his brothers against his father and and the loyalist legions creates the istevan atrocity where he it's a whole fucking thing. The universe goes in galactic civil war the Loyalist Primarks gets scattered because becomes fucking. Towards the end of the great crusade horse has made war masters. So the emperor could go back and basically create a different way of traveling through the universe and everyone is upset that their father left them and they put their brother in charge and they're all like super. 11:19.29 Craibo Um. 11:31.18 alifeinruins You know, jocks that want to be number like Daddy's big boy so some are jealous. It's just crazy. 11:33.76 Craibo It's but to it's the much to hurt house Emo Emo dicks that like Daddy doesn't load me. He left me out here put me in charge. 11:44.83 alifeinruins And and ah Horace capitalizes on this and betrays the emperor betrays his brothers kills 1 of them outright at istfan and the world is set in flames. Um, and it it ends in like space opera style. Horace versus Daddy ah Horace like hurts the emperor because the emperor can't quite do it because Horace is completely overwhelmed with chaos god energy like some of his brothers become like paragons or antagons I don't know of the chaos gods. So each. There's like 4 that basically become. 12:23.10 Craibo Deep Deep pride marks. Yeah. 12:23.45 alifeinruins You know, worship their own god demons and it's a fucking mess but like um the emperor wins basically kills Horace with mine bullets and eras him from existence the traitors flee. 12:24.84 Mason Demons. 12:38.27 alifeinruins Um, the emperor wounded gets put upon the golden throne which is keeping he's basically becomes a space zombie and his mental energy is lighting a a universal lighthouse to make space travel happen and ever since then like 10000 basically human ers basically warlocks are sacrificed to him every day to feed his sacred energy. It's not a great time to be a human like the lore of warhammer forty k is fuck so this all happens the year thirty thousand. There's basically a time jump the pri marks are basically gone. There's two that just came back one just came back which is the impetus for this like it was a huge reveal that. lion l johnson of the first legion has come back of the of the dark angel of the dark angels so that's where we are but with this there's like a couple things that we talked about the necrons are back to. They're the neckron tier from earlier. 13:17.27 Craibo Um, what what lines back. 13:30.10 alifeinruins And we're also in this grim Dark period of this future that looks back on the past and they're they're still actively looking at the past for information and also now people worship. Ah the God emperor They basically took ah lordgar's book of the daddy bible and instituted it after the. 13:40.42 Craibo Caveat about. 13:49.80 alifeinruins God emperor's death and it's just made things so bad. It's basically like warhammer forty k is as the Catholic Church on black tar heroin and feudalism. It's not a good time. 13:59.46 Craibo Flezo to russian russian super soldiers man. 14:03.95 alifeinruins It. So how does archaeology fit into all this. We've hit a couple points. There's clearly a very long and deep time of the universe that spends millions of years of various alien races of various levels of advanced technology. 14:24.80 alifeinruins And the primary ah like I guess archeologists I Guess to say from from humans to human standards is the adeptus mechanicus. 14:42.30 alifeinruins Craig what is the deftist mechanicus. 14:42.60 Craibo Um, I mean they so during during the whole age of strife so humans colonized the cosmos right? and then the age of strife happened and we all went back to earth and. There were disparate colonies all over the place. 1 of our colonies was Mars and the mars colony basically started worshiping a machine god and devoted themselves to understanding engineering mechanics stuff like that. And the mechanicum is essentially a semich church semi-corporation that is kind of focused on technology and maintaining it but also finding what they call new technology I'm doing. Air quotes because what new technology in the 40 first Millennia is actually just finding old technology that was better particularly in the form of these things called standard template constructs which are like these really smart machines that. Produce ah different kinds of materials in mass at very high quality so like ah like an Stc a sender template construct could be for tanks like an armored personnel carrier like the rhino. 16:09.78 Craibo In in 40 k they found an Stc of a rhino and you know it's this kind of perfect machine basis for for caring troops and um. Mechanicum is always after these s stcs always after esoteric knowledge always after lost technology. So. It's kind of the the basis of their their mandate. 16:35.28 alifeinruins And they're also like the mechanic these aren't people like the mechanicists like turn themselves basically into living robots. 16:39.23 Craibo They start? Yeah, they start off. 16:41.50 Mason Yeah I mean like they think sorry but the big thing in mechanicus is that they believe the closer to like the machine they are the closer. They ares their god so they tried to replace as much as their they can of their body with robotics and then they have a bunch of. Crazy science. So like really just that neurons build a control and stuff but you wind up with these like giant monstrosities that are the priests of the mechanics and constantly trying to chase out these old technologies 1 another thing that's important I think important to say in and terms of the mechanicus is they're. But in the context of the the cult me can again all that and the religion there is they don't believe in I guess like engineering creating their own new technology all that much There's a bunch of stuff and against that and taboos against creating technology hence why they're always trying to find. 17:31.24 Craibo That yeah. 17:37.82 Mason Old stuff and looking for these old scccs because the sccs and themselves were made for company are yeah so they were made for trying to go Pioneer New planets and so the idea was you could have this machine with you to. 17:41.14 Craibo Um, yeah, it's almost like we're have use against out map. 17:56.42 Mason Build literally anything you could ever need for your colony as you're going to this new plan. That's never been explored and so there's only elements of it that exist left and so the mechanicists are always trying to find anything they can of these technologies that have been lost to try to branch the fortieth. 18:14.98 alifeinruins It all in the context that Zeno's technology is fucking Heresy can't touch. It can't reverse engineer it. New technology is also Forbidden and also like these people aren't that like if your laptop broke. They'd pray over it because they believe like every machine has its spirit like this is a backwards ass. 18:15.70 Mason Millennium. 18:21.36 Mason Yeah, 2 18:31.20 Craibo The. 18:34.38 alifeinruins Technician where they've they've they've created a religion around machines and they like they're even further back like if 30 Warham or forty thirty thousand like the the crusade is ah pales in comparison to humanity's um, the age of technology 40 k pales in comparison to 30 k like they can't create their own shit. They're basically scavengers they lost how to like fix things. Essentially they know kind of how but like and also ai is forbidden like after the age of strife or the you know the automatons rose up not allowed to have Ai. And so how do things work. Oh if you're a heretic or a bad person. They labotomize you and turn your brain into basically a processor and you become a floating skull with lights and you like like video cameras are literally a floating human head like skull and sort of cerebellum with a. 19:20.44 Mason Um. 19:28.57 alifeinruins Fucking lens put in one of the eyeholes like it's not great. There's a lot of skulls. There's There's a lot of skulls. You know it's yeah um, and so and these are the people that are in charge of like. 19:35.55 Craibo Is kind of like the parent panticcombs. 19:36.23 Mason Um, just a few. 19:45.80 alifeinruins Going out and recovering lost human technology from 30 k but also from the um, ah, ah, great, not Creek Creek crusade but the age of technology like there's a fun short story where basically um. People from the age of technology develop a time traveling device and actually time travel to the year 40000 and try to make contact with the imperium. They all get fucking tortured as heretics. Um, and the ship is so advanced they don't know what the the mechanicist doesn't know what to do with it space marines don't know what to do with it. And there's an ai on board that is absolutely fucking livid with what's happened and what's happened to humanity is able to like infiltrate the space marine you know, armor and suit shuts them down and the mechanic of just starts praying and waving incense like trying to calm down the machine spirit and then it's just like this ai is like what the fuck happened. Because it's like um, yeah, it's yeah, you killed my crew like what the fuck like who you know it's just like things just went so ass backwards and um. 20:39.78 Mason You killed my crew. Ah. 20:45.45 Mason So so 1 other thing I want to mention really just quickly is we keep talking about like 40 k all this stuff what they're doing 1 thing that is I think really important to note within the world of Forney K that universe is. There's been kind of a. Ah, massive loss of knowledge and people are kind of just doing these rites that they know that makes technology work and it's become ritualized and ah part of like religion and all these things that you just do. There is no real understanding of how the technology works or how to fix it. Hence why people are constantly trying to find Sds and why they're trying to do all of these things to get new technology. Keep things working. There is no real understanding of the inter mechanics of like how the ship works or how the gun works this is just what you do you put oil on it and then you praise it. 21:39.53 alifeinruins They yeah and there's factions of the mechanicum that have their own stcs and won't share it and as mason said they're not allowed to innovate. There is 1 dude who it does innovate and he's kind of seen as heretical and like we said 2 prime marks returned like they're gone for 10000 years they come back and they're like what the fuck happened. 21:40.62 Mason Then. 21:59.31 alifeinruins To our daddy's empire and they're like kind of lost to basically through this time skip and like they remembered 30 k and they're like holy shit we can't even build new things anymore unless we have these basic 3 d printers that will do it for us our dads being worshipped as gods we're being worshipped as demi-gods. And and they remember the time where there was no religion and trying to like they remember innovation because that's what their their dad was a super scientist that was part of his thing and they're trying to slowly bring that back but in the context of like if we piss off the church. They will get rid of us. If we piss off these other factions of humankind they get rid of us so they're trying to navigate it as well and work with the mechanicum of like trying to bring because at this point, the human empire is just receding the imperial man is it's not a great time I think the average lifespan of a human if you're not in the eliteot class is like 20 years like something super short It's not great. Um, and we're being attacked by spacebus space elves space orcs fucking space buddhists or space communists like we're like the whole imperium is just. Like retracting because we're being assaulted from all age and then the necrons are are back from forty million years ago so and 23:16.55 Craibo They're wake up, you're waking up. 23:18.17 Mason Also yeah, the 60000000 yearss go the neck rocks are back. They're hanging out robots live in the dream. Ah yeah, straight up not prime. 23:28.50 Craibo Um, yeah. 23:28.58 alifeinruins Yeah, and with that we'll go ahead and end section 2 and we're gonna get ah how these races in 40 K like how this archeology is actually occurring what does that look like and how if everything is basically becomes heresy if you touch it. How does you actually gain knowledge in this. Really fucked up dystopian future later.